Home of the gods

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After Kratos and Lysandra had just received word of their own daughter going to Scandinavia with Atreus, they weren't sure what they should do now. Both of them were just at a lose when they were watching everything unfold from the reflection pool. While they were upset at see their own daughter, Calliope, going to war with the Aesir without their permission they were for sure going to ground her for that. Suddenly Kratos had just memory long ago

Kratos exited his war chamber as Lysandra followed her husband. Together they entered a boat to set off to sea as a storm was raging upon them. The statue of Athena glowed to speak to Kratos and Lysandra.

"It is not a wise course of action Kratos. It was a dream. Nothing more."

"This do not concern you Athena. I need to find the answer for myself."

Later on, both the Spartan wife and husband arrived at the temple of Poseidon. They see a figure laying on the ground. Kratos stepped forward to see the sick figure lay before him.

"How I have missed you, Kratos."

"What treachery is this? Another trick of the gods?"

"No my son, it is me." It was none other then the mother of Kratos. Kratos kneels to her, "You're brother does not have much time. Go to Sparta. He is trapped with Deaths domain."

Kratos now had a memory of Deimos being taken when he was a child, "Deimos?"

Lysandra kneels next to Kratos, "That cannot be, your bother was dead? Was he not?"

Kratos looked at his wife and then back to his mother again, "But you told me that he was-"

Callisto interrupted her son, "I did what I was told by the words of your father."

"My father?" Kratos says with a shout, "Who is my father?!"

Callisto came in closer to whisper into Kratos's ear and just as she was about to tell the truth she suddenly began to get a s. Kratos and Lysandra backed up as they were see Callisto transforming into a hideous beast. Lysandra and Kratos took action as they started to battle Callisto, the beast attack them as they were flying across the room hitting the walls and pillars, Callisto jumps to the air to get a hit on Lysandra but she rolled out of the way, she threw her spear Callisto's arm as the end of the shape blade was impale to a wall stopping her movement as Kratos used his blades of Athena to strike her mother in the heart. With that Callisto started to return to normal as Kratos removed the spear out of her arm as he held her mother while giving out her last words.

"Finally I am free. Kratos...free your brother, he needs you."

With that act of last words the mother of the Ghost of Sparta died in peace as she fades into white pixy dust, two specks of white dust falls to Kratos's hand as he clenched his fist in anger. Lysandra approached Kratos to give him a comforting huge to show her sympathy to his lose. They set out to Sparta to search for answers.

"So let me get this shit straight. You want me to help you kill the Aesir and the gods?" Brok asked with curiosity to the two kids as they just stood at the other side of the table as they nodded in agreement, "Forget it anyway. I ain't ever going back to Asgard after that whole incident with Thor's hammer."

"We know you and Sindri were the ones that created Thor's hammer. We get that it wasn't your fault. But this is only between me and the Aesir."

The Ghost of ScandinaviaWhere stories live. Discover now