The Furies

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The trip had taken a week to arrive at the docks of Delos but it was worth it. The enormous statue of Apollo was destroyed but with the amulet of Uroborus, they can rebuild it. The boat arrives at the docks.

"We must leave this place immediately when they get off this vessel. I hear this place is cursed." A crewmate says to the others mentioning the Spartan family.

"I agree, the sooner we leave, the better." Another crewmate says.

Atreus raised an eyebrow while looking back at the crewmembers before stepping off the boat walking down the docks leading to the statue with his second family following him, "Hmph, then I pray that you return home safely." Atreus says in a sarcastic voice.


They walk across the gauntlet of Apollo, suddenly the environment changed around them. They were within the city of Sparta. The Spartan family looked at Atreus.

Atreus responds, "This isn't me."

The four of them hear a sinister laughter come from the distance. It came from Tisiphone. She hovered above the ground as she was a good distance away from them.

"We only need you home."

Tisiphone cast's an illusion of Atreus's old home around the four of them but Atreus's resisted her tricks.

"My home is gone!" Atreus yells out as he runs to the wall and bursts through the cabin. Megaera's voice was heard from a rooftop on a building beside Atreus and the Spartan family.

"Sister, show them what Sparta does to a traitor."

Tisiphone creates an illusion of a group of Spartan soldiers holding shields and spear in battle formations. All four warrior's took them out.

"I'll take care of this myself!" Megaera shouts as she uses her four spider-like appendages to crawl to the ground to face the warriors.

Megaera charges them, Atreus deflects her attacks over and over again. He drives his fists into her chest and roundhouse kicks her in the face. Atreus slashes his blades to Megera's right arm and rips it off. The fury sister screams in pain, "My Arm!"

"Plenty more where that came from."

Before Atreus could do anything else, Tisiphone stops the illusion and summoned her pet, Daimon. Daimon grabs Atreus's body with his beak and sends him into sky higher than the clouds. Tisiphone laughs in humor but was interrupted by Kratos who grabbed her by the waist with his blades of Choas to pull her down to the ground. Kratos was brutally beating her to bloody stain, next he impaled her to a spike. Megera was about to attack Kratos from behind but Lysandra blocked her attack with her shield. The sound of a shield hitting against something strong brought Kratos's attention so much that he joined her wife and daughter in battle fighting Megaera. Kratos next impaled her body with his blades that he sent her body almost off the edge. When Megaera got back up and stood straight, she was kicked in the face by Atreus she was sent off the edge as Atreus does a back flip and lands at the center of the gauntlet.

Atreus looked back at the Spartan family who was speechless, "Oh, I used these."

Atreus mentions the illusion of his wings that appear from his back and ceased that illusion.

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