Destruction of Asgard

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The soldiers were escorting Atreus and Calliope to the arena that's behind Odin's palace, the circular arena was massive enough for 87,000 people to witness the action as the ring was large enough for 100 fighters. Atreus and Calliope both were walking as their hands were chained up to try not to pull off any escape tricks. Atreus looks at arena and the crowd through the metal gate as Calliope does the same, they hear the roars of the crowd ready to see the sight of blood about to be spilled. Calliope gulped nervously as Atreus held her hand in comfort even if it's chained.

"The Romans have arena's like these. They choose who fights one another, who ever is the last one to stay alive shall either live or die and it's up for the editor to decide the fate of the victor. Win the hearts of the crowd to gain their interest and they'll let you live." Calliope stated

They hear Odin's voice as he spoke from the pulvinus.

"My people, today has finally come where we are presented here to witness the very giant who is very well known at the Ghost of Scandinavia to be executed on this very Arena for everyone to see. Who want's to see the blood of the giant spilt as he fights for his life!"

The crowd shouts in agreement.

Atreus scoffs at the thought of thinking that he'll die. He can't die, fate has brought him here, he fears nothing, death is in his blood.

So enough the warriors had Atreus and Calliope their weapons as released their wrist chains as the gate was opening.

Calliope and Atreus both walk forward as the crowd started to throw lettuce at them.

"At these the crowd is kind enough to let us keep our health up." Atreus says with sarcasm while he eats lettuce.

"Well this is the first time I've been booed before performing at anytime." Calliope comment as she rolled her eyes as Atreus chuckles as they reach the center of the arena looking at Odin who was sitting on his throne at the pulvinus drinking a cup of wine. The old god points his spear to the metal cage on the other side of the arena.

Soon enough, multiple groups of Asgardians walked forward to the arena as the crowd cheered.

Some held a murmilo shields and axes, as other held light weight swords, two groups of four came out the same gate riding horses as they ride around the arena wielding spears.

Odin raised his spear to give command as the warriors charged in at their two enemies. Atreus impaled his blades of Valhalla to create a horizontal fire wall to block half the Asgardians as the remaining half was on their side.

The horses knees as they began to stand on two hooves in fear of the fire wall, so enough as it goes down, Atreus and Calliope charge into, Atreus throws his Leviathan axe to the men riding the horses, the horses just roam around as their rider lay dead on the ground as Calliope focuses on the enemies on the ground. She jumps over their heads to decapitate them. She spots an Asgrdian with bow and arrows aiming toward her, Calliope using her strength to pick up a body to shield herself from the arrows as they hit the dead body. Calliope placed her feet on the back of the dead body as she placed her hands behind her head on the sands as she launched herself upwards to allowing the body to fly across the air landing on top of the archer.

While he was down, Calliope saw a warrior about to swing an axe at her but she kicked sand in his eyes to blind him in just enough time to grab her sword to cut his throat. Atreus throws his axe to kill an Asgardian behind Calliope as he slashed someone's stomach open as guts started pop out. The archer was able to move the body off of him but was grabbed by the throat as Atreus threw him to Calliope. She held the tip of her sword to the man's throat as Atreus approached next to his sister while he pointed his blade as well

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