Rescue mission

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Months later have passed, nothing has changed as much but expect that Lysandra and Calliope had wore a different set armor from now on. Both women were black leather chest armor, golden arm bracers, golden leg guards, amd black flats. Atreus, Calliope, Lysandra, and Kratos were set upon the shores of Attica. They have been requested from the gods to save this city from the evading Persian navy. Many ships were near the shores but that wouldn't stop them. Flaming boulders and spears were being fired at to the city, it was nothing but chaos and destruction. The four warrior's needed to take action. Few Persians were entering the city of Attica through the wooden gate they destroyed with their barricade while the remaining ships were still behind.

Atreus took the opportunity to use more of his illusions, he casts many to catapults and ballista's loaded with spears and boulders to Atticas' shores and fired at the Persian navy. Many ships began to sink and others that followed behind began to flee like cowards.

"Well done, Atreus." Kratos praised.

"Thank you, father."

When they looked at far left side of the walls of Attica they see a giant Persian fire breathing beast called a Basilisk climb over the walls and enter the city.

"Ah great. That's just great." Atreus says sarcastically while walking to the wooden gate. They enter the city as Persian warriors try to take them on but they were slaughtered without mercy. They climbed to the upper levels of Attica's tall buildings to get a better view of the rest of the city, the Basilisk was all the way on the other side mainly just a few more blocks away. They enter a building as the Persian king himself and a few fellow soldiers were by his side scaring innocent civilians with his gigantic falchion-like sword that can also create a fire aura to make the sword more stronger as the king also wields a heavy shield called a Peltarion.

They all look behind them to see four warriors. Two adults and two children would probably make him think that this would be easy.

"What evil have you wrought on this city, Persian?" Kratos demanded with anger.

"Evil? It is not evil that I bring Spartan. I bring the might of Persia and the sacrament of purification. As we speak my Basilisk cleanses this land, so that it may embrace the glory of the Persian empire." The Persian king replies.

"The gods of Olympus has sent a message and we are here to deliver it Persian. " Atreus says with a voice of pride.

The Persian king chuckles, "Then you are just messengers. So take this message back to your little gods that it will take more than four pathetic warriors so stop the Persian empire."

'You call my family pathetic? Oh, I'm about to give you a painful death.' Atreus thought of in his head as he cracks his knuckles.

They all battle. Lysandra and Calliope dealt with the Persians soldiers as Kratos and Atreus fight the Persian king. Atreus got a few hits at the Persian king as he did the same. The Persian king uses his efreet, a demon of some sort hovers above the Persian king to his aid, the fire demon stikes the ground creating strong shockwaves that sends Atreus and Kratos to a wall. Atreus and Kratos get back to up, the battle lasted for minutes, but once the Persian king uses his efreet Atreus does a backwards jujitsu roll and charges the Persian king. He impaled his blades to the king's stomach and left shoulder, Atreus throws the king to nearby chest filled with gold coins. Atreus cracks his neck as he slowly approaches the defeated king.

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