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3rd Person POV

Damian was currently laying on his bed absolutely bored.

Yes you heard me BORED

He's played with all 10 of his animals.

He's read.

He's annoyed, Drake AND Todd.

He's trained.

And he's tried (keyword) to bake

All of these things have happened through the past month and he's finally bored.

Usually, he would have Grayson to hang out with but as of now and the past month he's been in Blüdhaven working. Now realizing Grayson has never been away from home this long. He will usually leave for a couple of weeks and then return.....with candy. But it's been a month and Damian hadn't gotten any emoji's, memes, or annoying texts.

He got up from his bed and headed to his father's study.

"Father when will Grayson be home?" Damian asked as he walked into a room full of papers and books

"Dunno kiddo why don't you text or call him and ask." Bruce said not looking away from his computer

The young boy sighed and left the study. He trudged back to his room and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. He flopped his bed once more and pulled up his older brothers contact.

Grayson when will you be back home?

He waited for a response but oddly didn't get one. knowing Grayson, Damian knew he had his phone with him. He never leaves it just laying around. So he tried calling him.

.........your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system...Grayson is not available at this time. If you would like please leave a message at the beep.


"uh hello, Grayson I was just wondering when you would be coming home...ok bye call me when you get this."

Damian hung up with a confused look on his face. He walked back out of his room and back into his father's study once more.

"He's not answering," Damian said

Bruce sighed and pulled his phone out from his pocket and pulled up his first son's contact.

..........your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system...Dickiebird is not available at this time. If you would like please leave a message at the beep.

Bruce hung up the phone with a glare. He knew Dick always had his phone on him or a way to communicate. He got up from his chair and headed to the cave with his youngest behind him.

"YOU CAN'T WIN REPLACEMENT!" The Wayne's heard and saw Jason and Tim sparring

Ignoring the colorful language being thrown from the two, Bruce headed over to the computer and began to call Dick through his com.

"Nightwing...Nightwing are you there?" Bruce asked but didn't get an answer

"Richard come in! Nightwing!!!" He yelled into his com

By this time Jason and Tim had stopped fighting and, along with Damian, joined Bruce over at the computer.

"Somethings wrong every one of you try and get your brother on the phone NOW!" He yelled and got up out of the chair and headed upstairs with everyone in toe

Each boy grabbed their phones from wherever they lay in their clothing and dialed Dick's number. Call after call...voice mail after voice mail and no response.

By now they had made their way to the car and were driving into Büldhaven.

".......I GOT HIM!" The young Wayne yelled

"Put him on speaker." Bruce growled out

"Hello..." Dick said well more like breathed/muttered out

"Where the FUCK ARE YOU!" Jason screamed at the phone

"From the looks of it...Hospital.." Dick murmured

It all fell silent and you could hear the struggles of breathing through the phone. "Pulling up now." Bruce Said and Damian hung up

The family burst into the Hospital's main entrance.

"Hi, how may I help yo-...Mr.Wayne?!" The lady at the desk looked shocked as she saw the whole Wayne family Minus one standing in front of her

"Richard Grayson, what room is he in?" Bruce asked

"Ummm room 294." The lady said and got 4 nods in return

The family rushed through the halls of the Hospital until they came upon the room the desired to go in. Bursting through the door they saw their frail bird laying in the hospital bed.

"What did you get your self into this time Dickiebird?" Jason asked walking up to the bedside

"Car/gun chase.." He Said

"You know you can't just burst in a room." A voice Said and the family turned to see Leslie

"How bad is he?" Bruce asked

"Well, you could say he has broken his record with 4 broken ribs, a shattered shoulder, a broken wrist, bullet in right arm, and several bruises." She Said and everyone winced with a certain Grayson chuckled

"Wonderful." Dick said

"How are you not dead yet I will never know." Bruce sighed

"Who was chasing you?" Damian asked


He pulled himself up from the bed a tried to get out but failed.

"Now now Dick that won't be necessary." Leslie Said and Dick groaned

"Can't I at least go back the Manor you know I don't like Hospital's." He wined

A long sigh came from the family doctor. "Fine but if I find out that you aren't in bed and have hurt yourself more I will leave Alfred deal with you." She Said sternly and Dick shivered at the thought

"Fine, I won't do anything stupid." Dick said and Jason laughed

"You and stupid Dick are attached. All you ever do is stupid." Jason Said and the young Grayson glared at his brother

"Let's just get you home." Bruce Said and went to gently pick up His eldest son

"FINALLY!" Damian yelled


Hope you liked it

Sorry I haven't posted


tbh I had a hard time finding an idea

But I have plenty now so HaH

Now, bye from rAt!

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