Quarantine Groupchat

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Stephbrown: hi

TimTamTimmyMan: no

Bloodson: no

Jaybird: absolutely not

Babs: no

Brucewayne: hello

Dickiebird: hi!

CassyC.: hi :)

Stephbrown: at least some people in this house hold are nice -.-

Jaydick: I'm tired of seeing you peoples faces

Brucewayne: be nice

Bloodson: I hate quarantine

TimTamTimmyMan: literally all you do is play video games, maybe you should try something more social

Bloodson: shut up Drake

Dickiebird: be nice

CassyC.: you can join me and Dick's yoga sessions :)

Bloodson: Grayson in tights is not a pretty sight

Dickiebird: everyone online thinks it is ;)

Babs: sounds like it's so much fun in the manner

Stephbrown: if u like hearing arguing every five minutes then yea it's a blast

Jaybird: or if u like to hear Dick moaning over Prince Sidon

Dickiebird: hey now

Babs: who is that

Dickiebird: I do not moan over him

Stephbrown: yes u do

TimTamTimmyMan: it's a character from Zelda Breath of the Wild that Dick has fallen in love with

CassyC.: he's cute 🤗

Dickiebird: hellllla cute I'm not even embarrassed by it

CassyC.: rt

Bloodson: rt

Stephbrown: rt

Babs: rt

Jaybird: Demon spawn is in love with the camel girl

Bloodson: are not. She is badass I just like her style

Dickiebird: I got the family into playing a game we all enjoy yay!

Stephbrown: literally Alfie had to set times up Bc we only have three switches and our games are divided among them

Dickiebird: even Bruce plays!

Brucewayne: I enjoy the bird guy

Jaybird: Bruce would

TimTamTimmyMan: lmao can I get an f

Dickiebird: f

Jaybird: f

Stephbrown: f

Bloodson: f

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