Stranded Part 1

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"It's fine Bruce I'm sure I can handle 3 teenagers." The eldest of the four brothers stated to the Said man

As of now Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian were on a plane to a private resort. Bruce insisted they get a vacation away from their hero work. But even so, Dick knew Bruce wanted some time alone to himself and away from all of their drama.

"Just be careful and don't let anyone kill anyone." Dick rolled his eyes at the orders but excepted them

"Ok see you in a you bye." He hung up and placed his phone in his pocket

He peered over next to him to see Jason curled up with a blanket over him. His white pieces of hair were all in his face while the black strands went every which way. Dick sighed and wrapped his arms around his younger brother pulling him close.

"Dickiebird?" Jason mumbled

"I know your not a fan of planes Jason just don't throw up on me." Dick replied and got a "whatever" from the boy next to him

"GO AWAY DRAKE!!" The older two boys groaned as they heard their youngest brother yell at the third oldest. Dick sighed and got up to go check to see if everyone was alive and well.

He walked down the aisle to find Tim with Damian's hat in his hand and Damian on top of him.

"Can't you two live in peace and not fight?" Dick asked

"He took MY hat!" Damian hissed

"Tim please give Damian his hat back." Dick said rubbing his temple

"It's payback for breaking the coffee machine!" Tim yelled

"THAT WAS THREE WEEKS AGO!" The youngest screamed

"Look your brother is having motion sickness and I need to tend to that so please stop arguing." Dick pleaded

"Fine." They both grumbled

"Todd's such a baby..."

"Damian." Dick growled


Dick sighed and headed back to his seat. Jason, still in his ball, had turned in the tv and was watching Basketball. Dick sat down and almost immediately had a head on his shoulder.

"Only 2 more hours baby bird" he mumbled into Jason's hair and heard a groan

A good 30 minutes past before the pilot came over the intercom. "Please buckle your seat belts we are heading into some bad weather." He Said and the four boys did as they were told

The plain started to bump back and forth causing a certain male to whine. Cracks of thunder were heard from outside until.....


The plain jolted to the side as a bolt of lightning hit the left-wing. Dick looked out the window to see the plain on fire and the wing was gone.

"Gentlemen we are having some difficulties with the controls and will need you to evacuate this is not a-." The pilot said but cut off at the end

Dick got up and rushed down the aisle to see two wide-eyed teens.

"Grab your stuff and head to the exit but don't fool around!" Dick yelled at them and they did what they were told

The raven-haired boy pulled out his phone a punched in his father number.


"Bruce the plain was hit and we're going down!" He yelled into the phone but the signal jammed

"Dick? Dick!"

From the other line, all the man heard was and "Bruce" and "going down". It was at that point when he ran out of his office.

Dick ran to the back of the plain. He grabbed his backpack and threw in a knife, a first-aid kit, his phone in a waterproof case, and four water bottles. He then slowly made his way up to the front making sure not to fall. Once he got their he saw Jason tightening life jackets on Tim and Damian. Jason then put one on him and threw his backpack over his body.

"Water below?" Dick asked and Jason nodded

The plain jolted again sending the eldest flying back and hitting the wall. "YOU THREE JUMP NOW!!!" Dick yelled

"WHAT ABOUT YOU!!!" Tim screamed

"Timmy I'll be right behind you." Dick assured the group

Jason grabbed both Damian and Tim's hands and jumped out of the plain. Dick made his way up to the exit and was about to jump when something caught his eye. Laying in the corner was Damian's Robin tracker. Dick ran up to it and tried pressing the button but was forced back. His body made its way to the exit and was about to leave the plain when he grabbed ahold of the edge. A gasp came out of his mouth as a piece of metal cut from his cheek down to his upper ribs. The tracker came flying towards him and he quickly grabbed it and pressed the button. He let go and plummeted to the sea below him.....

To Be Continued

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