Chapter 1

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I hope you will have as much reading the story than I had writing it :p 

enjoy <3 

Third POV

"Is he dead?"

Harry did his best not to move when someone came to check if he was alive or not. He felt a hand on his shoulder and held his breath for as long as he could. 

Suddenly a kind voice asked him: "Is he alive? Draco, my son, is he alive?" 

Harry, looking back would never know why but at that moment he felt like he could trust her so he told her that Draco was indeed still alive when he left for the forest. 

She let him go and went back to Voldemort telling him with a straight face that Harry was dead. "Finally" the dark lord said. 

There was a long silence before the gentle voice spoke again. "My lord, can I make a suggestion about what to do with the brat's body?" Harry could hear in her voice she was being very careful. When the voice spoke again after some time Harry presumed Voldemort had given her permission. 

"When I was checking him I saw the cloak of invisibility, I suggest we hide the body so no-one will ever find him." 

"Why Narcissa that is a good idea. That way the light won't even be able to bury their precious fallen hero." Harry heard someone come closer again, pick up his cloak and put it on him. After that he heard everybody leave. 

When Harry didn't hear anything he clutched his wand stood up and looked around while keeping the cloak around him. When he was sure no-one was there he headed back to Hogwarts to join the battle, all the way staying invisible. 

He arrived the moment Neville killed Naggini so Harry knew Voldemort was totally defenseless. He made his way over to Voldemort who was dueling with Draco. When he was close enough not to miss his target he let the tip of his wand leave his cloak and shot the killing curse towards Tom. The next moment time seemed to speed up, one by one the remaining death eaters clutched their arm in pain, some even fainted from the pain. Later they would say it felt like they had been hit by over 100 cruciatus curses. 

The war was finally won. Harry knew that if he revealed himself now he would be seen as a hero but he didn't want that. Everybody was as much of a hero as he was, some even more. So Harry did the only thing he thought was best, he left the battlefield, left Hogwarts, left the wizarding world, never to come back again. 

Leaving his friends and family behind was the worst thing he did but he knew everybody thought he was dead so they wouldn't miss him more than that. 

A/N I know this chapter is quite short, the next one will be a bit longer. 

See you next time my lovely readers <3

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