Chapter 7

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Draco was brewing potions to restock the Hogwarts infirmary when his mother's owl came flying in with a letter. His mother had been writing to him almost every day with news about her journey. In her last letters, she had been very close to finding what she was looking for and was hoping she could come back soon. Her letters were a great help when he was having a lonely day. 

Today's letter, however, was different, it was addressed to him but it wasn't his mother's handwriting. He instantly started to panic, did something happen to his mother? She was the only reason he was still alive, his last reason to live. Fearing the worst he opened the letter and started to read.

My dragon

I want to start this letter by giving you my deepest apologies. It was so selfish of me to leave you behind. I was so afraid of having to be who they wanted me to be that I had to flee. Flee the country, the wizarding world, everything. My one and only regret I have was having to leave you behind as well. It literally broke my heart thinking I would never see you again. Almost everybody believed me to be dead and I wasn't ready to come back. I didn't know at that time if I could ever come back or not. The first letter I received from you made me want to come back immediately but I knew I wasn't ready to come back. Your letters did change my mind about staying away, my life is next to you, it wouldn't be complete if you weren't there. Every time a letter arrived I wanted to reply telling you I was alive but I was always afraid someone might intercept the letter and bring me back to be their golden boy. Every letter brought me lots of joy but also sadness because I really wanted to be in your arms when reading them. I love you, always have and always will ever since the day we met at Madam Malkins. Every day when you tried to be rude to me I could always see past that mask and what I saw made me love you more every day, I didn't even know I could love you more than I already did but every day you proved me wrong. The day I found you crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom in fifth year was the moment I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, that was also the day I accepted your hand in friendship.

The day I received your letter of goodbye was the worst day of my life. I almost ended it myself knowing I would never see you again and that it was all my fault. I had stayed locked up in my bed for days just crying until your next letter came. It was your mother that helped me find the courage to write to you, you see your mother was the only one who knew I was still alive and wanting to do everything for her son she went on a quest to find me. I know you won't forgive me forever leaving you alone but I hope you find it in your heart to at least allow me to write you sometimes and maybe one day you'll even allow me to see you again.

I love you more than you can imagine

Yours always

Harry Potter

All through the letter, Draco was crying, he was feeling so many different emotions at once. He was angry at Harry and his mother for not telling him anything but he also understood why, it was not his mothers' place to tell and Harry still needed time. Most of all he was happy, happier than he had ever been because Harry was alive and also because he loved him as well. 

He was ready to leave everything behind to follow Harry but he knew he couldn't because he had to stay for Severus who was still in a coma and who couldn't be moved. Moving away so suddenly would also bring forth questions. People would want to know where he had gone to and then they would also find Harry and bring him back as their golden boy. At least he knew his lover was alive and well and for now that was more than enough for him. He went to his study and started to write his daily letter to Harry.


Today I received the weirdest letter, a letter from you writing to me, telling me you are still alive and well. If I didn't know any better I would have believed it was someone random who had found your letters and was playing a sick joke on me but only you know what really happened in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. It was our secret since we both wanted to keep that moment for ourselves. I really miss you and I'm so happy you are alive. I want nothing more than to hold you in my arms but I know I can't leave for Severus and also my absence would be noticed. Some might think I would start the dark again and so would hunt me down resulting in finding you.

If you ever doubt it: of course I forgive you and I want nothing more than to be with you. I understand that you need more time before coming back so I am already more than happy with your letters until you are ready.

You were in the papers again today. It has been two months since you went missing and some are still looking for you to give you a proper burial. Fred and George announced today that they would in honour of you built a school for muggle-borns so that they can learn about our costumes and traditions before coming to Hogwarts. They will pay with the money you gave them for their shop that they have earned back but are still asking for funds. They asked me if I wanted to help them by becoming a teacher. Of course, I accepted immediately as long as I could still care for Severus, who is still in a coma. Maybe with the school people will see you as more than just 'the boy who lived' and you will be able to live your life like you want to live it.

I hope to see you soon

Love you, always


A/N OMG I thought I had already posted this chapter but apparently, I just save it as a draft.  I hope you're still on board with the story and that you haven't left it because it took so long for an update. 

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See you next time my lovely readers. <3 

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