Chapter 10

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Harry and Narcissa flooed over to Malfoy manor where Harry hid under his invisibility cloak to keep the surprise a little longer. Draco, being notified someone came in through the floo entered the study with a scowl. 

"Do you have any idea how late it is?" 

However, the moment he saw his mother his scowl was repàlaced by a bright excited smile. He ran into her arms, tears running down his cheeks. "Mother, I am so happy you are back. How are you? Did you have a pleasant journey? How is Harry, did he send me a letter, when is he coming back? Or did you come and get me? My bags are already ready to leave." 

Draco was rambling everything that came into his mind, under the cloak Harry had to be careful not to chuckle out loud to give out his position.

"Draco dear," His mother chuckled to make him stop babbling, the last time she had seen him so excited was with christmas when he was a little kid and didn't have to put on a mask yet. 

"Calm down my son. I am well but very tired. Harry sends you his love and wanted me to tell you that he misses you very much. I'll tell you everything tomorrow but now I would like to sleep." 

Draco pouted a bit disappointed not to hear about her travels and Harry but he also knew traveling could be very tiring so he hugged her and bit her a good night. When his mother was at the door she turned around once more and said: 

"Before I forget, I left you a little present on the desk, you might want to open it tonight." then she was gone.

Draco turned around to the desk expecting a package, what was on the desk however made him stop in his tracks. There, sitting on the desk in all his glory, was none other than the boy he had been missing for so long, the man of his dreams, the love of his life, the Harry Potter himself. He looked different from the last time he saw him, his hair was tamer, he had grown a bit and his features were more prominent. To Draco he looked like an angel from heaven that came just for him. 

Hesitantly he approached the desk not really knowing what to do. When Harry opened his arms he all but flew into the open arms, finally Draco was complete, at home and content. Both Harry and Draco had tears rolling of their cheeks. Exhausted from the emotions Draco had fallen asleep in Harry's arms, so Harry picked him up bridal style and carried him to his room.

After wandlessly changing both into nightwear he climbed in bed next to Draco and fell into a deep blissful sleep. 

Harry woke up in the morning with the feeling of someone watching him. Without opening his eyes, he said: "You know, staring is rude!"

He heard a small chuckle somewhere close to him. "I just can't believe you're really here. I keep thinking this is just a dream and that when I wake up you will be gone again." Harry opened his eyes and sat up looking Draco in the eyes. Vibrant green met clear silver, he brought both his hands to either side of Draco's face. "I am never leaving you again." he said calmly but full of emotions. 

Draco, in the spurce of the moment leaned in and touched his lips with Harry's giving him his first kiss ever. The kiss was very short because the moment his lips had touched Harry's he got embarrassed and tried to flee the bed.  Although before he could leave Harry took his arm and pulled him back down. Draco was still embarrassed so he hid in the knook of Harry's neck. Harry took Draco's face back into his hands and guided it back up making Draco look at him before leaning in for their second kiss. Like the first, the second kiss started out as innocent but that soon changed and became more passionate. Harry pulled Draco closer to himself and licked Draco underlip to ask for entrance which Draco gladly granted.

 Harry, having easily won dominance began to explore Draco's mouth earning a small moan from the boy is question. Hearing that moan send shivers through his whole body making him deepen the kiss even more. He shifted both of them pulling Draco top of him so he could let his hands wonder all over his lover's back and in his hair which was surprisingly way softer than he had imagined.

After parting from their second kiss for air, Draco put his head back into Harry's neck to hide the obvious blush. Harry, who loved seeing the blush on Draco, especially if he had put it there, cupped Draco's face into his hands again to lift him up. "Beautiful" he whispered making Draco's face even redder. Harry started to place little kisses all over Draco's face, making sure not to get to close to close to the mouth. 

Draco who desperatly wanted to kiss Harry again whimpered when he didn't comply. Harry's kisses came closer and closer to his mouth even giving kisses on the side of Draco's mouth before leaving again and attacking the neck.

By now Draco was a real mess, whimpering and moaning all the time. In his neck Harry kissed and nibbled him all over until he heard Draco moan loudly, revealing to Harry he had found the sensible spot. Wanting to hear his lover again Harry kept sucking that one spot forming a bruise, claiming Draco as his. Draco, who had never felt those emotions before couldn't help moaning loud again. 

When Harry was satisfied with his claim he went back to capture Draco's lips into a soaring kiss. Draco was rocking his hips making Harry realise how hard he was. Rocking his own hips upwards, making his own hard on bump into draco's ended in Draco moaning loudly once more. Harry slowly let his hand wander down towards the hem of Draco's pyjama pants. He went as slow as he could, giving Draco the time to stop him or pull back if he was going to fast. Before he had the chance to get under the hem they heard someone knock on the door before opening it. "Good morning boys." came the voice of Narcissa. Draco quickly rolled of Harry burying himself under the duvet. Harry put his arm protectively around Draco, "Good morning to you as well lady Malfoy.' he said.

She looked at her son and his boyfriend smiling. "Breakfast will be served in 10 minutes, don't be late. She said, right before leaving she added: "And next time, put a silencing charm on the room." Draco buried himself more into Harry's protection and Harry was blushing furiously. 

A/N School started again so I'm giving you two chapters today. I hope you enjoy them. 

See you next chapter my lovely readers <3 

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