Chapter 6

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A/N As stated in the previous chapter, every time Harry is wearing his glamour I will call him by his other name, Loic. 

Over the next month, Narcissa stayed in the village helping Harry where she could while he focused more on his studies. He wanted to finish his studies as fast as possible so he was given a special chance. Every month he had exams but the only rule he had to follow was that he had to pass the all, there was no second chance. If you ever failed an exam you were taken out of the program and you had to follow classes and exams like all the other students. 

The end of the month was approaching so Loic was locked up in his room studying all day. Every day around the same time Narcissa saw an owl arrive for him. Narcissa saw that Loic was always eagerly waiting for the letter and that he was very sad after reading the letter. She wondered if anyone else knew that he was still alive but since Harry never replied to the letters she doubted it.

One day Loic had had a very bad day, one of his old patients had died in the morning, because of that he couldn't concentrate much on his exam and didn't know if he passed or not. When the letter arrived he broke down again, tears running down his face he ran into his room. 

Narcissa, who had witnessed the breakdown went to his room to try to calm him down. She found him crying on his bed, glamour dropped holding a stack of letters. She shifted him so his head was on her lap. She led him cry his heart out. In between the sobs, there were two phrases that always came back. " I miss him so much" and "I love him". Cissa realized he was talking about the sender of the letters. 

It saddened her a bit knowing he loved someone else than her son, that was until she recognised the handwriting of said son. To calm him down she sang a song that had always helped Draco calm down. When he was calm enough she asked him how Draco was sending him letters without knowing he was still alive. Harry looked up with watery eyes and said: "He sends me letters explaining what happens in the world like a diary without knowing I'm still alive. He started right after the war and hasn't stopped doing so. These letters are the only things that are keeping me from going crazy. Narcissa took him more into her arms. "Why don't you write back? Tell him you're alive? Wouldn't it be better for both of you if he knew?" Harry sniffed. "He won't believe me. He would think someone was playing a sadistic game on him." Narcissa saw the problem and tried to find a solution for it. "Why don't you tell him something only you know, to prove it is really you." Harry looked op hopefully but that hope soon faded again. "What if someone finds the letter and wants me to come back to be their golden boy again? I can't do that anymore" Narcissa chuckled. " Have you forgotten you're a wizard? You can put a spell on it that will prevent anyone else to read it." They fell into a comfortable silence, Narcissa stroking Harry's hair and Harry falling asleep while thinking of Draco. When he was fast asleep she tucked him in bed, gave a quick peck on his forehead and left the room with a " Sleep tight my son." Yes, Narcissa saw Harry as her son, a part of her family she would do anything to keep them happy. The next day Harry came to thank her and ask her if he could use her owl since he didn't have one. She gladly let him, silently planning the wedding between Harry and Draco. 

A/N I'm sorry I don't post more often but I have lots of work to do. I try to post every time I can. till next time my lovely readers <3

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