Chapter 12

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It has been a week since Harry came back to the wizarding world, one week since he has been reunited with his love. Since then Draco and Harry have been inseparable. Only when Draco went to Hogwarts to check up on Severus were they not together. Harry then went to visit the twin to plan how and to whom he would reveal himself and to help out where he could in the shop or in diagon alley. 

Loic Prince had become a well known figure in the busy alley, he always helped out where he could, if it was helping out a witch who had tripped or helping a poor man pay for the books he wanted but couldn't afford. He was seen as a genuine nice guy. Many wondered who he was and where he came from and to all he told the same story: that he was a traveler trying to make the world a better place one gesture at a time. 

Saturday, exactly one week after coming back Loic was pacing in front of the fireplace of the twins waiting for Hermione to come over. The twins had invited her over for diner. First she had refused because she had to continue the search for Harry's body but persuading her she still needed to eat to get enough energy to continue the search. She accepted on the ground on being a small diner that didn't take much time. 

She was due to arrive any moment and Harry was really nervous about how she would react. Draco who, of course, also had been invited came behind Harry and hugged him. "Don't worry my love, all will be alright. She will forgive you just like I and the twins did." Harry turned around to hug Draco properly, being the dominant in a relationship didn't mean he couldn't be vulnerable and now he was extremely insecure. 

He felt that he had abandoned everybody when they needed him the most. . Draco seemed to read his mind, "No-one is going to judge you for doing for yourself once in your life instead of stinking of others all the time." he chuckled. This seemed to lift Harry's mood a bit but the moment the fire came to life his worry was back. 

Out of the fire came Hermione Granger. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight and had big bags under her eyes. This seemed to hurt Harry even more. Forgetting the plan Harry fell to his knees and cried. "Oh Mione, I'm so sorry. I did this to you. I should have been there for you or even just send you a letter explaining everything. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." Hermione saw how a man she had never seen before fell to his knees asking for forgiveness. 

Loic had turned to Draco. "How could you forgive me so fast for what I did, I made your life a living hell." Draco rushed over to him, into his arms. "I forgave you even before you send me the first letter because I understood why you left. I love you and will always forgive you for doing something for your own well being Harry." 

Draco's last word seemed to bring Hermione out of her stupor. "Ha-Harry?" she asked, crop in her throat; could this man really be Harry? Harry looked up to Hermione slowly changing his features back to his old self using his metamorphoses. Hermione's hands went to her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. "Can you ever forgive me?" Harry pleaded. Hermione fell on her knees hugging Harry. "Of course I can, but how?" 

The twins chose that moment to enter the room. "Oh you told her already? We really wanted to know how she reacted." Their pout brought a small smile on Harry's face. "I didn't really stick with the plan" he said sheepishly. They saw that Hermione had fallen asleep so Fred carried her to his room to let her sleep in his bed. When he came back Harry was having a little pity party. "Did you see how skinny she was? And how her beautiful curls laid flat on her head? Or how tired she looked? Oh God, I did that to her, why did I have to be so selfish, why did I have to leave? I left so many people in need behind, so many problems for others to solve them when I could have done it all." Draco was trying to comfort Harry but he seemed inconsolable. Fred gave a glass of water to Harry that was laced with a sleeping potion. When he was asleep they laid him down on Georges bed and put a monitoring spell on him before eating diner. 

A/N: Here is another chapter, I hope you like it. 

See you next time my lovely readers <3 

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