Chapter 2

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Draco's POV

I was fighting Voldemort when suddenly a green beam came from nowhere and Voldemort fell dead on the ground before disintegrating into ashes. Before I could wonder who had fired that spell my mark started to hurt like hell.

The mark must have known I wasn't loyal to Voldemort because slowly the pain faded. Around me I saw other death eathers clutching their arms, some more than others. I suppose the more loyal you are the more painful it felt.

Me, together with everybody who had a dark mark were rounded up and one by one we were asked questions, to see where our loyalty really was. There seemed to be some kind of spell on us because when asked a question I could only say what I really felt deep down.

So when the question was asked where my loyalty laid I could only say one thing: "I have always been and always will be loyal to Harry Potter, no matter the path he had chosen" I guess that my answer was what they wanted to hear because the next thing I know i that I'm free to go home. They asked me if I would want to help them rebuild the castle and told me to come whenever I wanted.

The moment I arrived home, I fell onto the floor and started to cry my heart out. I must have fallen asleep, because next thing I know it was morning. I stand up from the hard floor, went to the couch and tried to fall asleep again. I didn't want to live anymore.

The next time I woke up it was to a hand stroking my head and saying soft words. "Oh my dragon, I'm so sorry we made you fight this war." I cuddled up into my mother's lap and let the tears flow once again. My mother was the only one who knew about my feelings for Harry Potter so I just ranted about how much I missed him and how I couldn't live without him, how my life was over because he wasn't in it.

While I was talking she petted my head to calm me. We stayed quiet for a while and when I looked up to my mother she seemed to be deep in her thoughts. She turned towards me and said: "Don't worry my child, all will be fine, I promise you." I had the impression my mother knew more than she let on. I watched her with confusion in my eyes but she just shook her head and told me I had to wait and see.

The next couple of days we spent in our mansion not wanting to face the chaos going on in the world. The daily prophet said that they still hadn't found Harry's body. My mother had given a statement about what had happened in the forest and where they would find the body but no-one found any trace of the body or the cloak of invisibility.

Everybody was searching for him, Harry would have laughed at that. I really miss him, miss talking to him. That is when an idea struck me, why not write him letters, maybe this could help me grieve and maybe just maybe there could be a slim chance that he could be alive somewhere. So I took a parchment and a quill and started to write.

My dearest Harry

I know you will never read this but I miss you so much. Life without you has been so dull. I know I have never told you that but you were my life. Everything I did was for you. Your beautiful green eyes always showed your beautiful soul. I fell in love with you a long time ago and I will always regret not telling you. The war is over now, everybody is happy but there are still a lot of questions unanswered. Like where is your body? Everybody knows the story of how you died and how Voldemort left you in the woods but no-one has yet to find your body. I think by now every auror is scanning the forest. There is also the question of voldemort's demise, the theories are more absurded one after the other. At first there were theories about how someone had seen someone else fire the shot but after examining Tom Riddle's body they found traces of your magic. That is when the more absurd theory started to flow in. the most absurd one I heard was that you were a zombie raised from the death to fulfil your destiny. Seriously what will they think of next.

Yours always

Draco Malfoy

After finishing my letter I sent it with an owl. Maybe he will find Harry's body.

From that day onwards I wrote Harry a letter every day, like some kind of journal. The owl always came back without letter so I hoped at least he had found his body. No-one would ever read my letters but for me it was a good way of coping with the war.

Every day I would tell him what was happening in the world how the search for his body went, the trials of the death eaters... slowly the wizarding world was recovering from the war but I could not recover, I couldn't continue living on, my life was to empty without him. So when I came home from the trial of my father I started to write my last letter.

Dear Harry

For a month now I have been writing you a letter a day. In the beginning it made me feel a bit better but it was only for a short while. I can't keep it up anymore. Today was my father's trial. Mom and me had been pardoned because we only followed Voldemort to protect our family but my father was a true follower. Because of that he has been send to Azkaban for 20 years. Thinking about my father made me realize that I was living in my own azkaban, a place without happines and no hope of ever finding it again. I don't want to live like this anymore, a life without you is just to horribel. So I have decided to end it. To finally be with you for all eternity. This will be my last letter to you before you will see me in the afterlife. See you soon my love.

I love you

Always and forever


Draco Malfoy

A/N: ... cliffhangers, I do love them ...

See you next time my lovely readers <3

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