Chapter 4

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At the end of the letter Harry was crying again, but this time it was tears of joy, his Draco was stil alive and maybe one day he would see him again. After reading the letter he knew he was going to go back but not yet, he wasn't ready. He gave himself a year to get his affairs in order before going back. For the next two weeks he studied hard and helped everybody who needed it as much as he could. 

In Draco's letters Draco' mood seemed to have changed a bit, he seemed more lively, more active. He told Harry how he was rebuilding the castle to its former glory, he had been in charge of cleaning up and rebuilding the boathouse. It was very hard but since he already had his breakdown it was a little easier for him than the others. Although when he entered the little shack he had had the shock of his life. There in front of him was Severus Snape, suspended in time, still alive. The time bubble had slowed the time for Severus, only 15 minutes had passed instead of the weeks in the real world. 

Draco had acted on impulse and had apparated him to the hospital wing. That had caused the bubble to burst but thankfully madam Pompfrey was there and she immediately helped Severus saving his life just in time. Put in a magical coma Snape continued to improve and slowly he would be good as new again. Like many who were not really faithful to Voldemort, his dark mark was only just visible. Harry was happy to hear Severus was alive and healing properly because he had heard Snape could actually be one of his godfathers, although it had never been proven. 

In his letter Draco had told Harry that his mother had left the mansion saying she needed to search for something very important and that she would be gone for some time. She didn't want to tell Draco what she was looking for or where she was going but she said it was of great importance to herself and the family. Everyday she wrote him of her journey, what she saw and how her search went. While she was gone Draco was helping out at Hogwarts in the hospital wing. 

He had been appointed professors Snape's personal nurse. When Harry was reading that particular letter he had laughed so heart, never in his life could he have imagined Draco as a nurse, although he wouldn't mind seeing him in a sexy nurse outfit. Like predicted Draco didn't like being called that and if anyone other than madam Pompfrey or McGonagall called him that he would curse them into oblivion, even when they were other patients. Madam Pompfrey and McGonalall scared him so he didn't dare to do anything else than accepting the name. During his stay he had learned a lot about healing and was even thinking of studying to become a healer after his last year at Hogwarts. Madam Pompfrey even told him he could help her during the year to already learn a lot.

One day, about 2 weeks after Draco's almost suicide Harry was working on his thesis when Rydian barged into his room carrying an onconcious woman in his arm. 

"Iachäwr, please can you help her? I found her near unconscious in the woods at the border of the village." Without thinking Harry cleared his bed so that Rydian could put the woman on it while he went to the cabinet to take the potions he needed. When he turned back he almost dropped the potions. 

In front of him, lying unconscious on his bed was none other that Narcissa Malfoy. As fast as he could he casted a diagnostic charm on her to see what was wrong. It seemed she hadn't slept for 3 days and had not enough nutrients in her so he casted a nutrition potion in her stomach and let her sleep. Every few hours he would cast a new potion in her to keep her healthy and checked her vitals to see that everything was ok. 

He was working on her when she started to mumble in her sleep. He tried to listen to what she was saying. Most of the time it was just some incognible mumble but sometimes he could understand what she ws saying: "Harry Potter, I have to find Harry Potter." she repeated all the time. Was Narcissa really looking for him? Did she tell anyone else that he was alive and they wanted him back as golden boy? With every question that popped in his head he panicked more and more. He wasn't ready to be found and especially not ready to return.

A/N I hope you like this chapter. don't forget to comment and like if you want :) 

see you next time my lovely readers <3

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