Chapter 9

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The rest of the morning they spend shopping in Diagon Alley, many wizards greeted Narcissa and welcomed her back to London. She introduced Loic as a wizard she
met on her journey but no paid much attention to him. Loic was really glad about that, he could finally roam the streets without being stopped by everybody because he was ‘The Great Harry Potter’.
Their last stop after a short lunch was WWW. When they entered they didn’t pay much attention to the merch but went straight to to counter where both twins were working. He went over to one of them, “Excuse me
good sir, could it be possible to speak to you and your brother in private. I have a proposition I think you might like.” Even though he knew he was talking to Fred he
knew he couldn’t use his name because it would rise to many suspicions. Fred lead them to a small room at the end of the shop and told them to wait while he went to
get his brother and tell Lee and Angelina to take over the shop for a while. When they came back they led Narcissa and Loic up the stairs into their flat. While Fred was
making some tea Loic started his story.
“My name is Loic Emrys Prince, a wizard from Belgium. I have heard of the “Harry Potter foundations” and think it is a marvelous idea. That is why I would like to become a sponsor for the cause. I would like
to give 500 galleons a month and if you don’t already have one I would also want you to accept a house for the school.” Both twins looked at him with big eyes.
Fred almost dropped the platter with the tea. Loic took it is his hands, “Careful Fred, you’ll drop everything. I want to give you this, Loic continued, because I find what you do for those kids very amiable and I heard you also wanted to change everybody’s view on Harry Potter so I wanted to help.”
When he looked up from putting the plate down he saw both twins with shocked faces.
“Did I say something wrong?” he asked them. George’s face went from shock to sad.
“It is nothing you did per see, it’s just Harry was the only one who could keep us apart and you just did the same. It just reminded
us of him.”
Loic glanced one last time to Narcissa who nodded before saying: “It’s
actually very easy, George your eyes are slightly darker and Fred your lips are fuller.”
Both Fred and George had their wands drawn. “Who are you? Are you stalking us?”
Loic stayed very calm and said “Gred, Forge calm down, I will explain everything.”
Hearing their old nicknames they both dropped their wands. “Harry?” Fred asked in a barely noticeable whisper.
Harry dropped his glamour. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner
or give any sign that I was alive. I didn’t want anyone to know I didn’t die, I didn’t want to be the golden boy anymore.” he walked over to them, “I really am sorry. If it wasn't for Draco and Narcissa I would have never come back, not even as a dif-”
before he could finish his sentence he was crushed into a hug by the twins. “Our little brother is alive, this is the best news ever, we have to organise a big party.”
Harry broke away
from the hug. “No please don’t tell anyone, I don’t want them to know.” Before he could explain why the floo roared to live so Harry quickly reapplied his glamour and sat back down next to Narcissa.
Out of the floo came Ron, he completely ignored the guests his brothers had.
“Fred, George I need 1000 galleons, could you give it to me?”
Fred was fuming. “Don’t you see we are in a meeting?”
Ron looked back uninterested. “So? He said looking over, It’s just a death eater and her friend probably
another death eater.”
George was now standing next to Fred equally furious. “How dare you insult them, they are our guests and have to be treated with respect. And by the way what happened with the other 2000 galleons we already gave you?”
“Don’t worry, Ron said, The moment I get Harry’s inheritance I will be rich and I will pay you back.”
Loic could not believe what he had just heard from his supposed
best friend. He came in between Fred and George who looked at him with sadness and sorrow.
“Is that really all he was to you? A way to get rich, what kind of friendship is that? He should here you right now, his best friend.”
“Who are you to judge me, you didn’t even know him, always playing the victim, always whining telling us he was abused at home so he had more attention.”
Fred and george both felt ashamed, how could their own brother say that. Before they could respond Ron continued: “If you could give me the money, I can buy that awesome broom I want to buy.”
The twins pushed Ron back to the fireplace, to angry to speak they just said “Get out”
Ron tried again “But my money…” Narcissa had joined the other, they had all their wands
drawn. “I believe these fine gentlemen asked you to leave.”
Ron turned to her spat in her face and said: “As if I will ever listen to death eater scum like you.”
For Loic this was the last straw, he didn’t care if someone insulted him but no-one insulted his family. “Petrificus totalus”
When Ron fell down they bound him put him in the floor, a note attached to him saying: < My name is Ron Weasley. I am a greedy person who
only befriend Harry Potter because when he died I would get all his money. >
Loïc took some floo-powder, threw it at Ron while saying “Daily prophet, Rita Skeeter office.”
He had never liked her but sometimes she could be really handy knowing she would always go to the bottom of a story.
The moment Ron was gone Harry glamour dropped, the same time he dropped on the floor crying. This was enough for the twins and Narcissa to get out of their stupor.
They ran to Harry and hugged him to try to console him. Harry cried himself to exhaustion and soon fell asleep in their arms.
They shifted him onto the couch and unto Narcissa’s lap who had a hand in his hair to calm him while the twins went to help Lee Angelica close the shop.
They let Harry sleep on the couch while they were preparing diner. Narcissa told them about her
journey to find Harry, why she never told anyone he was still alive, what Harry did in the village and how they called him.
The twins found it very amusing how Harry didn’t want to be seen as a hero, a saviour but still wanted to help and save everybody who
needed help.
“Stay hidden, stay happy” they heard from behind them.
They turned around to see a half sleeping Harry in the doorway rubbing his eyes like a little
kitten. The twins looked confused at him while Narcissa cooed at how cute he looked.
“ If people don’t know what you did they won’t expect you to do more and so you can keep on living your life like nothing happened.”
Harry turned towards Narcissa with puppy dog eyes. “I wanna go home.”
They thanked the twins and promised they would keep in contact while asking to keep it a secret Harry was still alive.

A/N I know Fred was suppose to die in the battle but I just can't seem to see the twins apart from each other. I just like them to much.

I hope you liked the new chapter.
See you next time my lovely readers 💚

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