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I met my eyes with Ethan and let the words he just said sit in my brain as I pretended to consider talking to him. Emphasize on pretend.

"No, I'm good," I say turning and reaching for the door knob but again he stopped me and this time pinned my against the door and leaned both of his hands on either side of my head on the door, leaving me basically trapped.

"So you don't want to talk about yesterday?" He asks again in a softer voice but his face was still quite intimidating especially considering there is no space between us right now.

"Enlighten me ethan, what happened yesterday?" I roll my eyes.

"You kissed me," he says causing me to laugh "What?" He asked.

"I would never kiss you- especially first," I laughs as I cross my arms meeting his eyes again.

"Okay well maybe I kissed you but you kissed back," he sighs.

"I don't remember at all," I shrug. Which is half true, I don't remember what happened last night but that dream was suspiciously real feeling.

"Let me remind you then," Ethan says as he crashes his warm lips on mine and kisses me playfully yet passionately.

Fuck. Ah. Shit.

Okay- so. I may have kissed back- but that's because- hm, I have no explanation. Fuck.

Emmas mouth always said one thing- but her mouth   Says another If you know what I mean. The way she kisses me, isn't like the way she kissed Liam- it's like she wants more. Her arms were around my neck, my hands around her waist- she wasn't complaining.

"Ethan, No," I said as I pushed him off.

"Emma-" he started, but cut him off.

"Where's Alissa?" I ask. He goes silent. "Don't go that again, please and thank you,"

"Your mad because you liked it emski-" he smiles.

"No- wait, don't call me that," I say as I leave the closet to find Olivia at her locker.

"Hey," I smile as I walk up to her.

"What were you doing in Ethan's makeout closet?" She asks as she gets books out.

"Getting paper towel," I say.

"Okay..." she responds. Then closes her locker and starts walking.

"Wait Olivia what's going on with you and Cole?" I asked catching up with her. Her jaw clenched at Coles name.

"Emma, just go back to ignoring me, and everyone else while your on your phone texting whoever-," she says before she turns to her class leaving me in the hallway.

Okay damn. My life is officially over. My two best friends aren't talking to me, and Ethan kissed me- AGAIN?? Fuck I'm in too deep- Russia take me home.

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