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 Emmas POV: 

We arrived to school and i smiled and got out and headed inside. The car ride was kind of akward and quiet but we werent really friends so I wasnt expecting any different. My one goal was to avoid ethan which was had because when I walked in he was standing right by my locker. 

"What the fuck dolan." I whisper yelled as I walked up to him, he had something behind his back.

He didnt say anything except he smirked slightly and raised his hand in the air holding my bra. My jaw dropped, is he insane??? I quickly grabbed it then pulled him into a empty classroom and shoved him. "You dick!" I yelled. All he did was giggle softly, that was cute asf not going to lie.

"Hey chamberlain," he smiled innocently.

"Are you fucking high?" I said crossing my arms.

He shrugged and chuckled.

"People are going to think we have something going on or something and i dont want to be part of the group of girls associated with you," I said rubbing my temples.

He walked up to me and took my hands, "They dont have to think we have something going on, they should know,"

" Take your iNfAtuAtEd ass somewhere else dolan," I said moving away from his grip and walking out.

"See you at prom," He laughed. God he doesnt take a hint.

Ethans POV:

I only do things like this to get her attention, plus shes hot when shes mad to really its a win win. Ive never felt like this for anyone and its scary, especially for her, the most stubborn, rude, incondiserate girl I know, but it pulls me in and I dont know why.  I looked her up and down as the walked out and waited for the door behind her to let out a sigh. Why am I even trying so hard? Well I mean its obvious shes always liked me, I mean who wouldnt, the chase is the best part of the game right?

Olivias POV: 

I walk in and hear everyone talking about ethan and emma- thats weird I thought they hated eachother... whatever. I walked to my locker and looked over and saw cole and sophia, it still hurts- and to the otherside to grayson and madison. fuck. how did i mess up so badly that im the one who ended up alone. Prom is going to be the worst.

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