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As I landed in the water, a sense of calmness came upon me I emerged and looked up at the moon and the starry sky than at Ethan who was standing at the top of the cliff above.

"Are you crazy?" Ethan shouted down.

"Yes," I responded. He looked down at me then disappeared from my site then he ran and jumped right into the water.


Olivia's POV
Hm. Who is Sophia and why is she with Cole so much...I don't care though. At all. I ended things and need to move on. I have too,  I don't even need to move on because I ended it because- I still liked Grayson.  And now- Grayson is with Madison. So I'm alone?

I need to talk to Emma but lately, I've been distancing myself because something changed- idk she just wouldn't get off her phone and could never hang out. But now she seems back? Idk.

Grayson POV
"Madison stop," I laugh as Madison removes her lips from my neck and sits down laughing. 

For the first time I wasn't thinking about Olivia- but...I wasn't thinking about Madison either...

Coles POV

Sophia and I were going to grab a pizza. Sophia is my friend. She's nice. 

Alissa POV

Usually, I would be with Ethan after school, but the past couple of weeks hes been distancing himself- I don't know why, but I will figure it out.

Ethan's POV

I jumped into the water and plunged down and brought myself up- I came up to feel the warm sun on my skin and to see her. Emma. My eyes met hers. Water droplets on her skin intensified the blue in her eyes.  

"You infatuate me, Emma chamberlain..." I say swimming closer to her.

"Infatuation- a short-lived but intense, passion or admiration for someone," She says moving upwards out of the water more. "Short-lived. Temporary- not going to last. Ethan Dolan."

I look at her lips as she talks, her facial expression changes when the words "temporary " left her mouth- disappointment? anticipation?

"I don't need or want your infatuation Ethan, I'm fine," She says as I swim closer to her.

"What do you want- obsession? Love? a fling?" I say.

"You are not capable of love Ethan, and a fling is equivalent to your infatuation- a short period of enjoyment," She stutters as I touch her hand at her last word.

"Live in the now chamberlain," I smirk at her.

"Take no for an answer, Dolan," She says before going underwater and swimming around.

Ouch. That shit hurted.

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