Chapter 17: What Lurks in the Shadows

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1 week later...




Somewhere in Afghanistan


The dead of night creeps over this land of sand and rock. Although all seems quiet, things happen in places that cannot be seen. Bad things.

Somewhere up in the air, an unmanned aerial reconnaissance drone flies through the sky - watching over the land with its high-power IR Camera. Through this technology, a large cluster of structures can be spotted, with said structures filled with activity; human activity. The camera zooms to reveal men heavily armed, with AKs, RPKs, and even RPGs. Just your standard terrorist stronghold, you know.

As the men's heat signatures continued to glow on the Camera feed, another figure is seen creeping about in the darkness. Albeit this time, the figure's heat signature is dampened and black - meaning he or she is wearing a special type of apparel... One that soldiers tend to use. The camera follows the shadowy figure as the drone continues to fly high above the stronghold, now identified as a large compound the size of a village. As the figure reaches the outer most wall of the compound, the radio lights up with chatter.

"God's Eye, I've reached the outer wall. I presume you have a fix on my location?" A man says in comms.

"Copy Talion, we see you on-screen. You've got a couple tangos to your right, and a patrol approaching from the left. A sentinel also stands guard right above you on that wall. How copy? Over." Replies another. It is the officer-in-charge, standing next to the drone operator, in a room full of other officers and specialists.

"Right, here we go." Is the last thing the man, now identified as 'Talion', says before doing a running jump onto the wall, grabbing the ledge and pulling up to stab the man in his chest. The man silently falls, with the guidance of Talion's hand, before Talion helps himself up onto the wall.

Once on top of said wall, both his helmet and the drone start feeding him any relevant data (e.g. combatants, possible routes, etc.), allowing Talion to make a calculated and stealthy route to the roof of his main objective; the main building of the compound. 

It was easy, since the guards were all droopy and there were many places to use as a jumping platform, much to Talion's convenience. Now, he had to get in. After looking around the edges and ducking a couple times to avoid the guards, Talion sneakily swings into a very slim window where he stops inches away from something lying on the ground. It's a terrorist, but he appears to be asleep. Brushing off the sweat from his brow, Talion swiftly but quietly inserts his knife into the man's throat, killing him.

He then stows the knife and equipped his M4a1 in MK18 configuration, as he proceeded down a hallway filled with doors. Taking very small peaks into each door, he searched until he reaches the room he needed to find and enters. Within the room lies a chair, table, and a rather large radio transmitter along with some documents. Talion scanned these papers - mostly written in Dari, so it would take a bit of time for him to analyse each one. The files contained other stronghold locations, weapon shipment dates, times and places, as well as discussions regarding a deal with the infamous 'White Mask' terrorist organisation. After a couple minutes, Talion had gotten what he came for and proceeded out the door and into the hallway, before receiving a rather unusual call from command.

"Talion.." The officer said through the radio, taking a brief pause.

"You're not alone in there. And it's not your typical terrorist, we suggest you vacate immediately." He continued.

There was something about the way he said it that made Talion truly feel a sense of urgency and a bit of fear, as he looked down the hall. He squinted his eyes, before a figure steps out of one of the other rooms and lunges at Talion - who proceeds to fire several shots from his MK18. But his weapon is swiped aside as the two tumble on the floor, before both begin to have a hand-to-hand combat duel. Talion goes for his sidearm but it gets swiped away too, but he retaliates by straight up ripping the sidearm of the combatant from it's holster - but it too gets tossed aside. Although it was not his strongest field, Talion was holding up pretty well in this fight- blocking any incoming strikes and getting some good jabs in there. But despite his efforts, his opponent started to out-maneuver him. Talion was on the ropes for the very first time since way back in basic training in Boot Camp. He was good. Really good. The two continued their skirmish until the sound of guards shouting at one another distracts the figure, allowing Talion to land a pretty good hook into the abdomen of the person. What caught him by surprise was when the figure whimpered a bit. It was not the fact that he whimpered, but rather the the pitch and sound and all. 

Talion was starting to think that... This he... Was in fact, a she. With his opponent stunned, Talion grabbed his weapons and the documents before jumping out the window - choosing to spare the woman, since the documents were priority.

This was not good, the guards have been alerted and although he had a drone watching over him - it would take some time for the QRF to reach his location and assist. He was at it alone.

Talion's POV

The ground shakes. Voices of men fill the air around me. I am doomed unless I find a place to hide, but where? All these buildings are susceptible for investigation by these bastards... Perhaps a two-story house would do the job for now. Making me way though the narrow alleys, I spot a structure suitable for hiding and help myself inside. I slowly open the door, Rifle at the ready. Much to my surprise and relief; it is empty. I clear out the house just to be sure and take refuge in the 2nd floor before radioing in command.

"God's Eye, this is Talion. I have the package. Im surrounded, and require immediate assistance for extraction. How copy? Over." I speak into the mic, awaiting a response.

"Talion this is God's Eye, we copy. QRF is on the way, E.T.A. 20 minutes. Sit tight. Please acknowledge ." The officer back at the bass responds. I am somewhat annoyed that the QRF will take a while to get to me, but in fairness I am waaaaaaay deep into enemy territory. So now, I'm stuck in this house until help arrives. Awesome.

"Acknowledged God's Eye. Out." I reply with a slight tone of annoyance.

I take a seat onto a bed on the 2nd floor, right next to a window. I watch on as I see men of different ages run around the streets with their weapons in hand, searching every little nook and cranny for the intruders. Some of the men are really into shouting unpleasant words, which makes me raise my brow. I begin to drift off into my own thoughts, pondering on these men's lives. How and why did they get to this point? What if things were different? Was this the workings of fate and destiny? Or were it due to their (the terrorists) own decisions? It baffles me. I continue to think deeply, until a creak from the bed and the feeling of something heavy step on the bed alerts me. But it is too late. I am discombobulated with a chop as my weapon gets swiped and I am forced into a choke lock; with a knife to my throat. The lock somewhat tightens, it feels like a python wrapping around my neck, with its mouth inching ever so closer towards my flesh.  Since the situation appears to be inescapable, I can all but wait for what happens next.

Ah shit, here we go again.




A/N: That concludes this chapter, I'll try and get the next one out by the next week or two; but I might be running on Valve Time, so who knows. Feedback is always appreciated, and I love reading your comments lol! Anyways, that's it for today; but do stay tuned for more. :) -Max

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