Chapter Four

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"You must be shy. Don't worry! I like to think that I'm very respectful to others." The teen said as he stood with his hands on his hips.

Gaara studied this new person—making note of everything. He was taller than himself and had those huge brows like the teacher and had that black bowl cut just like the teacher. They might be related but their names are different. Even if they do look a like he's actually a lot cuter than—wait, what? No, no love. Nope...His eyes looked over him slightly more and looked over the outfit. Lee had on a green zip up and white T-shirt (like Mr. Gai) But his wore long green sweats instead of shorts. He had bright orange tennis shoes on and bandages on his hands, wonder why he wears those. He snapped out of his thoughts when a bandages hand shot out to offer to shake, it made Gaara's eyes widen in surprise.

"What's your name?" Lee smiled sweetly and waited.

"My name is Gaara Sabaku..." he answered.

"Nice to meet you Gaara, how is your first day at Konoha High going?" The dark haired sat beside him.

"It's nice so far...I've met some nice people." Gaara said softly and close his notebook.

"You like plants? I saw your notebook." Lee asked and messed with the bandages.

"Y.yes. I very much like plants. It was one of my hobbies. I wasn't able to grow much though, where I lived."

"Well There's this HUGE garden about fifteen minutes from here. It's filled with so many different kinds of plants. You'd love it. I think."

"Hm...I will have to check it out. Why haven't I seen you yet?"

"I probably have different lunch and study hall periods. I'm a junior. You're a sophomore. Right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Well, I'm glad I got to meet you. I'll be your partner for gym class. Help you out when you want!"

"O.oh okay. Um..thank you."

"No problem for gentleman!" Lee gave the brightest smile Gaara had ever seen before he walked away.

         As soon as Lee got to the gym floor Gaara sunk slightly into the bleachers.  His heart was beating like crazy and his eyes were still a little wide from that smile. He had never seen someone smile so brightly before—usually it was annoying him but with was different. It felt like a blew right to his closed off heart. Well at least now I know my heart works...but...The redhead looked up again to look at the gym floor, studying the other. Why him...? What's so special about him that I'm having feelings? He sighed a bit as he leaned back against the seat behind him and hugged his books close to his chest. He then hid his face a little behind the books as he watched everyone (mostly Lee). He seemed very athletic compared to almost everyone else in the class, must've been in some kind of sports. Well if he's in sports why is he still in gym? They exempt him if he's in more than one sport. He sighed and sat there the whole time. He would either doodle on the notebook or look over that boy again.
         When the bell rang Gaara quickly got up and walked out of the gymnasium. He stopped right outside and grabbed out his schedule to look to see where he'd go next. He bites his lip as he looked before he scrunched into himself, feeling someone a bit close to his personal bubble. He glanced over to see just a Bunche of green before glancing up and seeing that dark bowl cut. He bites his lip and looked down at his paper. Why does he have to be so close? Wait..why is he ever here? He should be going to his next class.

"Hello Gaara, do you need help? I can take you to your next class if you're confused." Lee smiled gently and watched.

"Aren't you going to be late for class?" Gaara asked back and looked around.

"Yes but it's a studyhall with Mr. Might! So he doesn't mind. Here let me see what class you're going to." The raven haired smiled and got close, peeking over the shoulder of the younger one.

"I..I'm going to English with um..." he was a bit flustered with how close the boy was, he never acted this way before.

"With Mr. Hatake. I liked him. He's Yeah! Cool! Here, just follow me."

Lee started to walk and Gaara followed right behind him, he wasn't hard to loose because of how much green he wore. He continued to follow Lee up the stairs and then he stopped, smiling back at the redhead. He then pointed out two teachers. One was pretty pale, a cover on his eye, with silver spiky hair and a tired look on his face. The other was tan, shorter, had his brown hair tied into a ponytail and then he had a scar of his nose. Both were talking to each other outside of the room just kinda waiting for their students to come. The bell rang and Lee waved a bit.

"Mr. Hatake is the bored looking one. Bye!" Lee smiled and then walked off to go back to his study hall.

"Thank you, bye." Gaara replied before going to the classroom and taking a seat.

Gaara slowly went right to the back and sat down. He looked around to notice Naruto sitting with three other people he hadn't really known yet. He studied them a little bit. The girl was that platinum blonde that always sat with Sakura. The other two were boys—one was bigger with reddish hair, eating potato chips and the other boy was laying back in in his chair, dark hair up in a ponytail and he looked super tired. Gaara blinked a few times before he saw Naruto wave him over and pat the empty seat beside him. The redhead was a little off put by this but he did get up and go over, sitting down slowly.

"Okay guys, this is my new friend. Gaara Sabaku! Gaara this is Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru." Naruto smiled and pointed them out.

"A! Shikamaru, don't you know a Sabaku?" Ino hummed and looked over at him.

"I said drop it Ino." Shikamaru sighed loudly.

"His girlfriend is a pretty blonde Sabaku. Temari, right? You know her?" Choji asked.

"Temari? Yeah, she's my sister. I didn't think she would be dating someone in my grade." Gaara added.

"Now look, you've weirded him out guys. What a drag.." he groaned and slumped into the chair.

"Where's Mr. Hatake! He's always late!" Naruto sighed loudly and Ino giggled.

"He's probably out there talking to Mr. Umino~you know people think they're dating~?" She teased and Naruto blue eyes widened.

"Really? People think Mr. Hatake is gay? That's so weird."

"Gay is weird, why?" Gaara asked over at Naruto.

"It's not weird, well like kinda. But like...I'm good with it. I think. I dunno. I think it's weird because Mr. Hatake doesn't give that vibe that he's gay."

"A vibe? What? Does he have to bluntly suck a dick in the middle of class for you to get that vibe?" Choji smiled.

"No! Ugh. You guys are making me seem like a bad dude!" Naruto glared and crossed his arms in a pouty way.

"Between me and you cutie, I think Mr. Umino and Mr. Hatake would be so hot together." Ino whisper over at Gaara and giggled.

After about ten minutes Mr. Hatake strolled into the class. Naruto pointed him out for being late and he simply shrugged it off with something like, "Oh sorry, afraid I got lost." Gaara furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows at the and gave a confused look. He's a teacher, how did he get lost? He sighed and sat better and Naruto still had that pouting look on his face once Mr. Hatake started to teach.

New Kid at Konoha High (Gaara x Lee)Where stories live. Discover now