Chapter Twelve

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"Okay so here are all my movies. Pick out what you want to watch and I'll make some popcorn." Lee smiled as he walked over to the kitchen.

"Okay...I'll pick one out." Gaara nodded and looked at the stack of movies.

"What drink do you want? I got water, juice, milk, protein drinks, and gatorade." The dark haired one suggested.

"Ummm...juice?" The other answered and put in the movie.

"Cool, I'll get some juice for you! We don't drink pop around here, sorry."

"It's fine. I don't really need any soda honestly. Juice is just fine."

       Lee smiled and put two packs of popcorn into the microwave. As he waits he gets two glasses down and fills them with some apple juice. He waited till the popcorn was down and came over to sit on the couch next to Gaara. He opened both packets and gave one to the redhead and then sets the glasses on the table. As the movie started to play they got silent again, making Lee feel a bit awkward at how quiet the other got. "Maybe he just doesn't like to talk...or he really likes the movie...or um, um maybe he doesn't really like me and he's just trying to be quiet..." Lee sighed and sat back as he continued to eat his popcorn. Gaara glanced over at the older one and blinked a few times, giving a confused look. An older athletic student invited me to come watch a movie. He must want something from me. I mean he's nice enough I wouldn't mind doing something to him. He shakes his head and moves a little closer and sets his hand softly on the other's thigh. Wow...strong. Lee almost immediately tensed up and looked at him with a blush.

"Um Gaara...what are you doing?" Lee muttered out.

"Well I figured you wanted me to do something for me. Because you are kinda a jock guy but a lot nicer. More popular and you invite me over for a movie. And I'm the new kid that's what happens right?" Gaara asked and moved his hand away slightly.

"Oh! Of course not! I'm a gentleman that's it! I just wanted to be nice and invite you over to make you feel welcomed." The order one said quickly and shot his hand up in defense.

"Oh...I just thought that's how that worked I guess. I mean if you wanted to I don't mind but you probably aren't for that." He mentally slapped himself and moved away a bit.

"No I'm bi! I like guys too I just...oh boy, I am so sorry for this being so awkward. I think...I think...I mean. You are really cute. Really. And if you want to do stuff then...let us have some fun! If you want."

"Really? think I'm cute?"

"Yeah, I really think you're cute. And um...yeah, really. Let's..yeah."

Almost immediately Gaara got into Lee's lap and cupped his cheeks—pressing his chest as close as possible and started kissing the other. Lee was surprised at how forward Gaara got all of the suddenly but he sets his hand onto those thin hips. They both sit there as close as they possibly could and moving their lips together slowly. Gaara's hand moved from the tanner one's cheek and touched his shoulder softly and both gave a soft roll of the hips that made the redhead open his mouth a little. Lee instantly push they're kiss to be a bit more heated and oh man, was it such a mess. At one point they clinked their teeth together on accident and a curious Gaara biting at the other's bottom lip but bit a little too hard. They both had no idea what they were doing but they both loved the feeling and the touching so far even if it was a mess of a kiss. They broke the kiss for some air, both looking at each other a little red and hazy.

"That was my first kiss..." Lee breathed out as he touched Gaara's sides.

"Mine too...I think. I'm pretty sure. Well my first conscious kiss." Gaara said back slowly and touched

"Well um...I'm glad that we shared a first kiss." He grins up at the one in his lap.

"I'm sorry if it was bad." The younger one sighed and looks down on his lap.

"I think it was really good. A few bumps but I think imperfections are perfect."

"What else other than kiss do you want to do?"

"Oh um...I've never really thought much about it...what else is there to do?"

"Well I mean kissing, handjobs, blowjobs, and um...but I don't think I'm really ready for sex."

"Me neither. Sex is really far, I don't think I'm ready either."

"So do you want to just stop?"

" don't have to but I'm definitely a little turned on...whatever you want to do. Or we don't have to do anything, I will understand. I can go to the bathroom. Yeah, that's fine."

"No, I'll do something for you."

Gaara gave a little nod as he got off of Lee's lap and sat him into the couch more. The redhead slowly got onto his knees and his felt over those green joggers, touching softly at the fabric as he looked up and instantly blushed as he sat between Lee's strong legs. He touched at the inside of his thigh and looked away. "Holy shit he's really cute. I just kissed him and-and...oh man. He's sitting right between my legs." Lee grins more and his hand slowly push Gaara's hair back as he stared at those pale fingers tugging on his pants.

"Close your eyes...a.and hands to yourself..." Gaara mumbled and reluctantly leaned into Lee's bandaged hands.

"Why can't I watch? I really want to. You're very cute." Lee asked as he moved his hands away, watching his Gaara followed him a little.

"I just, I've never done any of this. I've never felt this way before. And-and I don't want to be embarrassed so I don't want you watching me." He answered and messed his hair up again.

"I've never done anything like this before but I really would like to watch you. Or at least let me touch your hair."

"But...but...I don't know." His hands tightened on Lee's pants.

"Alright, it's okay. I'm not gonna make you do anything that will make you uncomfortable."

"You can touch my hair. That's it. Close your eyes."

New Kid at Konoha High (Gaara x Lee)Where stories live. Discover now