The Aftermath

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"You don't think?" Joe let his question hang in the air.
Danny shook his head and mouthed, "I don't know." Seeing a superior officer walk by, he got his attention, "Sarge!"
The elderly man turned to him, "Yeah?"
"Do you know where Frank Reagan is?"
"I'm sorry, I don't."
Danny and Joe both exchanged the same sad, worried, and angry expression.
Days had passed and no one knew where Frank Reagan was. Finally, he, along with countless of others, emerged from Saint Paul's Chapel, where they were taking refuge. The Reagans were relieved and thankful and thrilled all at the same time. As always, they made meals or brought groceries or did anything they could to help the families that were less fortunate than them.
The whole world was still reeling from that fateful September 11th, which is why two weeks later found the blonde Reagan yelling at her husband.
"You what?!" She was shocked, she couldn't have heard that. "You want to go back to that hell hole?! Why?!"
Danny opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by an upset Linda.
"Do you even remember the last time you went over there? You had the worst PSTD I had ever seen! You almost killed me!"
"I did not!" He argued, why was she so upset about this?
"Uh, Yes! You did! More than once! I'm not gonna let you go through that again. Why on earth would you wanna go through that again?!"
"Because I want to help! I wanna fight for the country!"
"You can fight for the country right here! You can save it, too! It's called recycling and doing your job!"
"I don't know if you're aware of this, Danny Reagan, but you have a job. And a family. And a little boy.  And that little boy is gonna grow up for four years without a father."
"Jack'll be okay, it has you! You're the greatest mother ever."
"Because I have the greatest father by my side," Linda said quietly, unshed tears stinging her eyes.
Danny took her hands in his, "please, Linda. Lemme go fight. For one more tour."
There was that tone again. Why'd he have to use that tone? That pleading, if-I-don't-do-this-I'll-die, nearly begging tone. The look in his eyes didn't help her resistance, either. Sighing, she wondered, "you already signed up, didn't you?"
He looked at her sheepishly.
"You pig!" Pig? "How could you do that without asking me? What did you think would happen? I wouldn't notice you being gone for four years?! I may be blonde, but I'm not dumb!"
"Linda, that's a terrible stereotype." Danny somewhat wrinkled his nose, "Plus, you're a brunette."
"You are unbelievable!" Linda shook her head, an unreadable expression on her face. She scoffed with her hand on her hip, and just walked away.
"Linda...." Danny said, his tone garnishing an eye roll. "Linda." He stood at the bottom of the stair. "Linda, you can't just walk away."
"Really? Cause that's what it seems like you're doing." She angrily slammed their bedroom door behind her.

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