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Linda, against her better judgement, went to work anyways, because she did not have a fever. Once she got there, she regretted her decision deeply. Halfway through the morning, Linda sought out her boss. She had to tell him she needed to go home.
Linda found him making the usual rounds, "oh, excuse me, sir!"
"Yes, What is it?"
"Um, I need to go home. I feel really sick and I did throw up... and-"
"Go home. Don't want anyone getting sick."
"Thank you. And, no, we don't."
Once home, Linda called Erin; the call went straight to voicemail. "Hi, Erin. It's me, Linda. Uh... Jack and I can't make it to dinner tonight. I've got some sorta bug or something. So I'll see ya Sunday I guess. Bye." She hung up and brought the phone to the couch with her. Jack was on the floor, in his little chair, coloring a picture at the coffee table.
"I 'ake pit-ure fo Daddy."
Linda smiled a little, "I'm sure Daddy will love it." She looked over at the picture- a puppy dressed as a policeman giving a giraffe a ticket. She willed herself not to cry when Jack held up the picture in triumph after finishing coloring.
An hour later found a sleeping Linda and Jack, while the tv screen was blue. The sound of annoyed knocking woke Linda. She rubbed her eye and walked to the door, still half asleep. "Who is it?"
"Joe! Open up!"
"Joe?" She repeated sleepily.
"Your husband's brother?"
Linda nodded and opened the door, letting Joe walk into the foyer.
"Whoa!" The cop raised his eyebrows. "What happened to you?" He wondered, noting her pajama shorts and a T-shirt of her husband's clad her body.
"I'm sick."
"With what?"
"I don't know.... you might wanna go. I could be highly contagious... and I've been sitting next to a two year old!" Linda's palm made contact with her forehead.
"I can take him," Joe offered, "I've got tomorrow off, and I'm sure mom'll love to have him."
Jack woke up, rubbing his little fist on his eye. He looked around, where was mommy? Where was Daddy? Not being able to find his parents, he started crying.
Linda was by his side in an instant. "Jack, what's wrong?"
Jack smiled a little, "mommy!"
"Mommy's here. Wanna go with Uncle Joe for a bit?"
"Wan' Daddy."
If Linda hadn't been so upset, she would've been excited Jack had said 'daddy'. She had been trying to to get him to stop using 'dada' for six months. "I know. I want him, too."
Joe stepped up, "c'mon, J-man, let's go to my place."
Jack looked up, "me go wit' Joe?"
"Yes. Go with Joe. He'll give you animal crackers!" Joe tried to persuade his nephew.
"Adible! Adible!"
Linda bit her lip, if Jack didn't go with Joe soon, she was going to explode trying to keep her tears in.
"Go get Buddy." Joe instructed, watching Jack's little legs run as fast as they could. The cop sat next to Linda, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Linda, are you okay?"
"No, I'm not. I can't keep doing this, Joe! Doesn't anybody see? I can't live without him. I just can't." She hid her face in her hands, the tears coming fast.
"You've been doing a good job so far."
"Not really... I..." Linda looked away in shame.
"You've what?" Joe prodded, hoping he could help.
The littlest Reagan came waddling into the room, interrupting the conversation. Seeing his mommy upset made him sad. He dragged his favorite bear on the floor as he made his way to his Mama's leg. He hugged her leg, looking up at her with a sad expression. He didn't know what was going on, but it must be something big. Mommy hardly ever cried. Jack laid his head on Linda's knee, not knowing what to say or do.

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