Information Doesn't Always Help

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"Reagan," Danny's Sargent, Glover, got his attention.
"Phone for you."
"Really?" He followed him to his 'office'. He picked up the phone, "hello?"
"Mom? What's wrong? Are you okay? How 'bout Linda?-"
"Danny, we're all fine. Well, almost. I just wanted to tell you that Linda may or may not have, um, depression."
"Linda's got depression? Why?"
"We don't know. We're thinking it's because she's super worried about you.... Danny, she cries herself to sleep every night."
Danny frowned, "poor baby.... is there something I can do?"
"No, honey, I don't think so... I just thought you'd want to know that as soon as possible."
"Yeah, I mean..." Danny scratched the back of his head. "I guess... I don't know. Gah, I wish I was there."
"I know. We wish you were here too... I gotta get back to work, but I just thought you should know about Linda."
"Yeah, thanks. Is she there?"
"No, she's at work."
"Oh. Well... thanks for the update."
"You're welcome. We all love you, Danny."
"I love you guys, too. Bye, Ma. Say hi to everyone."
"Will do. Bye, sweetie." Mary hung up and sighed, hoping everything would be okay.
Linda looked at the scheduling as she sat in her office. She was in charge of the entire ER nursing staff. She sighed as she moved someone from day shift to the weekend shift. A knock was heard in the door, "come in."
"Linda, I know you're doing schedules, but would it be alright if I don't work weekends?" A nurse wondered.
"Uh, yeah. I think I can work that out." The phone rang, "excuse me." She picked it up, "Linda Reagan.... oh, yes. That's great... good, good.... yeah, um, I'm actually in the middle of something. Can I call you back real quick?... alright, thank you, bye." She hung up, "sorry. I've been waiting for some test results.... lemme see what I can do, and I'll get back to you."
"Thank you... um, if you don't mind me asking... what was, uh, the-"
"Test? Sonogram and blood tests... regular check up things."
"Oh, well, thank you for doing the schedule."
"No problem." Linda smiled as the nurse left. She sighed and looked at the picture of Danny, herself, and baby Jack. She smiled and ran her fingers over Danny, "I love you... love you most."
"Look, Jack, I'm not saying I agree with her- because mostly I don't- but you gotta let up," Erin told her husband over dinner that evening. "I mean, I'd probably chop someone's head off if they kept saying that my kid wasn't yours.... why do you not like Linda anyways?"
"She's dippy!"
"She is not dippy. She graduated suma cum laud, you know."
"So what? She can be smart in school, but dippy in real life." Jack argued, talking with his hands.
"No, Jack, that's a lie, a made up answer. Because she is not dippy. She couldn't be a nurse if she was dippy. Now what's really your beef with her?"
"Can't I just have a person just because?"
Erin groaned, "ugh! Fine! Don't tell me." She stood up and walked away.
"Erin!" Jack rolled his eyes and groaned. Truth be told, he didn't know why he didn't like Linda. It was just.... something about her. Maybe it was the way she always stuck the sword straight through his heart. She knew which buttons to push, and, boy, did she push 'em. He didn't know, but he did know that she hated him as well.

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