Brand New Information

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Danny stared at the letter, dumbfounded. He handed Cliff the letter, "read this."
"Why?" Cliff warily took the piece of paper.
"Just read it. I think I'm going mad..."
The dark man read the letter, "it says your wife's pregnant. By you. So what?"
"Cliff, this is brand new information!" Danny took the letter back and read it again, "phone. Where's the phone?"
"Right where it's always been," Cliff pointed to the end of the mess hall.
"Right." Danny somewhat ran over to the phone, dialing his home number. He had no idea what time it was in New York, so he hoped he wasn't waking his wife.
Linda moaned and forced her eyes to open. She looked at the clock, 1:45. Moving only her arm, she blindly grabbed for the phone, "Hello?"
"Who's this?" She sleepily mumbled.
"Danny." He frowned, he didn't mean to wake her.
He smirked, "your husband."
"Danny my husband..." Linda yawned, her brain still asleep. "Hey."
"I didn't mean to wake you up."
"I wasn't sleeping..." she yawned once more, "why are you calling me?"
"I got your letter," he held up the letter, wishing Linda would fully wake up.
"Oh good!" She sat up and turned the light on, "I'm scared, Danny."
"It's gonna be okay. How far along are you?"
"Almost four months pregnant. Can you come home?"
"I dunno. I'll ask my Sargent, but..." Danny sighed, "are you okay?"
"I'm really scared, Danny. Jack keeps asking for you. He's getting so big. You have to come home, I can't do it without you."
"I know, baby, I know. And I'm gonna try, I promise. I'll ask the Sargent soon as I can... I love you."
"I love you more," Linda smiled softly, she was starting to miss that exchange.
"I love you most. And I'll do everything I can to come home to you and Jack and Little Reagan, I promise."
"I don't care if you're missing an arm or something, we can work around that. But we can't work around you being dead. You have to make it out alive. You promised you would." Linda begged, tears in her eyes.
"I know-it, baby, I know. And I'm doing my best to fulfill that promise.... I gotta go, but I love you and Jack and the baby more than anything."
"I miss you."
"Oh, I miss you, too."
"Come home to me. To us." Linda put her hand on her baby bump.
"I will, I swear. I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you most. Bye."
"Bye..." she looked longingly at the phone, wishing the situation was different. Linda wished Danny was right beside her, his hand subconsciously rubbing her baby bump. She sighed as she snuggled back into the covers. Bring him home, please.

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