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"Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night, and I can still feel his strong arms around me," Linda lamented to Mary later that day. "I just— it's been three years, you'd think I'd be used to this by now."
"Some people never get used to it."
"But you did."
Mary shrugged, "it's not a bad thing, sweetie. There's only a year left, you can wait that long. Like you said, you lasted three years already."
She nodded, "I just.... Danny promised he'd always come home to me. He swore he'd come home, no matter what.... but he never said alive. And I know vowing something that can't be vowed...." she looked to Mary, "what if he comes home in a coffin? Without a limb I can handle. PTSD, I can deal with. But I can't deal if he comes home dead!"
Mary didn't know what to say to that, because she had been wondering the same thing.
"May-maybe they'll let him off for good behavior, y'know? Like... when he comes to help with the baby, they'll just let him stay?"
"I don't know, dear."
"Reagan, I wanna talk to you," the Sargent sat down, looking at the marine who stood at attention. "At ease."
Danny relaxed, "am I in trouble?"
"No, I've just been thinkin'. I think I'm gonna honorably discharge you."
"Really?" He smiled widely.
"Don't look so happy. Not yet, anyways. I meant when you go back to help your wife with the baby, then I'll discharge you. Your tour will be up in three months after you go back to the states. I don't see a reason for you to come back."
"Thank you, sir." Danny tried to hide his excitement. He was secretly hoping his Sargent would send him home permanently. He wondered if he should tell his family in the next letter, or just wait. Waiting would be better. There's only four more months. What's the worse that could happen?
"What?" Linda wondered, holding her breath.
"We're not entirely sure, but we think he's dead."
"Dead? Like... really dead? Dead dead? Are you sure he's not mostly dead? There's a big difference between all dead and mostly dead."
"He's all dead, Miracle Max."
"Death is no time to make jokes!" Linda was slowly losing her composure. He couldn't be... dead. "No! No, he can't be- he's not- oh, no...." she clutched her pregnant belly, "no!"
    "I'm sorry, but there were     complications. She nor the baby pulled through."
Danny's eyes popped open, adjusting to the dark. He sighed and put his hand over his face, "I can't wait to get back home...."
"Linda, calm down."
"Calm down? How can I calm down?! He died and I know it! You guys are just too chicken to come right out and tell me!"
"Linda, you had a nightmare," Mary tried to explain at three in the morning.
"No, I know! He's hurt and dead, and I know it!"
"Linda, sweetie, it's alright. Everything's fine, I promise. Sweetie, you just had a bad dream." Mary led Linda to sit at the table. She handed her a glass of water.
"A Dream?"
"Yes, you had a bad dream. It must've been that pizza Frank ordered. It's not sitting well with me either."
"Drink some milk. Or better yet, let's have some ice cream." Linda stood up and walked to the freezer, getting out the tub of ice cream. She grabbed two spoons and sat back down. "You sure it was just a dream?"
"Trust me. Nothing is gonna keep that boy from coming home to you."
"He's a man now, Mary. Very much so."
"He'll always be my boy. You'll understand when your kids are older."
"Oh, I don't want to think about that. Jack's growing up much too fast as it is!"
Mary smiled knowingly, "just eat your ice cream. Then we'll go back to bed."

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