Saying Goodbye

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Linda put her hand on her collarbone, then slid it down to hold the pendant on her necklace. Danny had given her the necklace as a Valentine's Day gift a few years ago. On the thin silver chain hung handcuffs with a stethoscope through the cuffs. It symbolized their undying love, support, and devotion, and that, no matter what, they would always be with each other.
"I'm gonna miss you." The nurse said quietly.
"I know. I'm gonna miss you, too." Danny hugged his wife tightly, wanting to hold in forever.
"How long till the plane leaves?"
"Three hours."
Linda looked at him, "you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
"I don't think I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin', I know I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin'!" Looking a bit confused, he clarified, "we are talking sex, aren't we?"
Laughing, Linda grabbed his hand and led him to the bed.
Linda hugged Danny tightly at the airport, crying in his arms. More than anything she wanted him to stay, but she knew there was no way she'd be able to convince him.
"Linda, I have to go," Danny said, almost remorsefully.
"I know." She pulled away and fiddled with imaginary lint in his jacket. "Just promise me you'll come home."
"I promise." He kissed her one last time, making it very emotional. He only pulled way when his wife started sobbing. "Oh, Linda."
Linda let Danny pull her into one last hug, their goodbyes lasting longer than the rest of the family's.
"I love you, Linda Rose O'Shea Reagan. With all my heart. And I promise I'll come home to you, no matter what. I love you now, and I'll love you for forever." Danny whispered in her ear.
"I love you, Danny Reagan. I—" she sobbed again, not being able to carry on her sentence.
Danny kissed her once more, leaving her with a kiss she would never forget. "Take care of the family?"
Linda nodded, "of course. I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you the most." One more kiss, then Linda watched her husband board the plane. She felt an arm around her, and looked up to see her father in law.
"He'll be fine. Trust me."
Linda nodded and buried her head  on Frank, clinging to his jacket.
"I don't know, Mary," Linda sighed, holding a glass of wine in her hand, talking to her mother in law. "What happens if I never see him again?"
"You'll see him, again, I know. Don't worry."
"Everyone keeps saying that, but I can't help but worry! I mean, how am I gonna fall asleep without him by my side? How is Jack gonna grow up for four years without a Daddy? Doesn't Danny know these are the precious years? Who's shoulder is gonna be there when I'm sad? I can't do it without him, Mary! I can't!"
"How'd you do it before?"
"That was different. It was right after high school, and we weren't married with a baby. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was terribly sad when he left, but we didn't have a baby."
"We're all here for you, sweetie. Through thick and thin. When you married Danny, you didn't just get a husband. You got two brothers, a sister, a Mom and Dad, and a grandpa and grandma. We all have your back." Mary rubbed Linda's back.
"Thanks, Mary." She hugged her mother in law with tears in her eyes. She didn't know how she would ever make it without her husband.

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