A Sight For Sore Eyes

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"Linda, Linda!" Mary shook her daughter in law awake a few nights later.
"There's someone here to see you."
"It's two in the morning. Whoever it is, they can wait five hours." She pulled the blanket closer.
"No, I really think you need to see them now."
Linda slowly got out of bed, "but it's two in the morning! Danny's not here, I just put a cranky Jack to bed," she explained, walking down the hall. She continued down the steps, "Danny's not here, I need all the sleep I can get.... did I mention Danny's not here?" Linda followed Mary into the living room. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, "this really can't wait till-" her mouth dropped opened and her face lit up, "Danny!" Linda ran into his arms, crying tears of joy.
Danny held her at arm's length and stared for at least a minute, "oh! I missed you!" He buried his in her hair, crying along with her.
Mary smiled at her husband, then gently pulled him into the kitchen. "Let's let them have their reunion."
Back in the family room, Danny pulled back from Linda and looked at her very pregnant stomach. "It moved," he sniffed.
"Little one knows who you are." Linda put her hand on her stomach, rubbing it gently. "The trick is getting it to stop."
Danny smiled a little, "it's giving you trouble?"
"You have no idea."
"How come?"
"My guess? This little one's gonna turn out like you. Can't sit still for more than five minutes."
He smirked, sighing, "boy, are you a sight for sore eyes."
"Danny, I look like something the cat dragged in! I'm way over weight, my hair is always a mess, I've got these bags under my eyes-"
The marine cut her off with a loving kiss, "you're beautiful. Absolutely perfect."
"You're just saying that. Cause you have to." Linda walked to the couch and sat down, suddenly angry. "You're obligated to, it's in your contract."
Danny sat down next to her, "I'm not just saying that cause I have to. You really are beautiful and perfect."
She nodded, "stupid hormones. I'm sorry, here you are, complimenting me, and I'm snapping at you."
"It's okay. I'm sorry everything worked out like this. I didn't know you were gonna get pregnant."
"Me neither," Linda leaned against her husband. "It's okay, though. You're family was very supportive. Especially Joe. He'd come over and take Jack off my hands for a few hours after work, so I could just... take time for myself, y'know?"
"Mary was helpful, too..." she yawned, "always offering to look after Jack. She bathed him and fed him and stuff."
Danny smiled when she yawned again, "I think we should continue this in the morning. You sound sleepy."
"I am. Haven't slept well in weeks."
Danny led her upstairs (he would've carried her if she wasn't going to have a baby any minute now), and tucked her into bed. He kissed her cheek, "I'll be back in a little bit."
Linda nodded, "I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you most." She sleepily responded, her breathing slowing down a bit. "I'm glad you're home."
"Me, too, baby. Me too."

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