A Conversation To Occupy The Mind

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"I wonder what Linda's doing," Danny almost pouted, poking at his food.
Cliff rolled his eyes, "I'm sure she's fine. You've only got, what? Four more months?"
"Yeah, four more."
"You can hold out till then! What's the worst-"
"Don't say that. A lot of more worse things could happen. We don't want to tempt Murphy."
"That's true."
Linda was surprised at how fast three months went by. She was happy that Danny would be home any day now. She could hardly wait for her husband to be exactly where he belonged, next to her through thick and thin. She knew he wouldn't be the same man she had kissed goodbye four years ago, but whatever man he came back as, she'd help him.
"Do you know when Danny's coming?" Linda asked Mary for the umpteenth time that day.
Mary chuckled, "his plane is due in a few days."
"A few days... I've waited almost for years, what's a few days, right?"
She smiled, "right. Listen, Linda. You need to find something to occupy your mind, and you're gonna go crazy with anticipation."
"I just can't help it! He's coming back, and he'll be home to stay! Weren't you this excited when Frank came back?"
"Yes, I was. But I wasn't eight months pregnant."
Linda slightly groaned, "but what can I do? My mind is constantly on my husband."
"Why don't you listen to that boy band that you like?"
"I can't do that. I tried that, and I ended up crying."
"Crying? Why?"
"Well, there's the fact that I'm very hormonal, I listen to them a lot with Danny, or the hottest one has a striking resemblance to Danny. Take your pick."
Mary chuckled, "Jamie's due back any day now, as well."
"He's a smart kid. Even when I babysat him, he was smart. You know he made me cookies one time?" She smiled, "I guess he inherited your skills."
Mary smiled, "I think he did, too. Danny, on the other hand...."
Linda laughed, "all he can make is fluffer-nutters and that pasta meal with the garlic bread and salad."
"Cooking may not be his strong suit, but detective work is. Even as a kid he needed to hunt for the answers. Never takes anything at face value."
"He took me at face value," Linda somewhat muttered. "But I didn't take him at face value."
"I remember. He was so happy when you finally agreed to go out with him."
"Mama," Jack came in the kitchen, carrying a big book with him. "Will you rea' abou' ta Dino-sours?"
Linda chuckled, "it's dinosaur, honey. And yes, let's see if the velociraptor survived."
Mary smiled as Linda followed her son into the living. The older woman was glad she was gaining another grandchild. She inwardly hoped there would be more.
"Are you excited, Linda?" Henry wondered during Sunday dinner.
"Does she have an outrageous crush on Donnie Wahlberg?" Joe asked, looking in her direction.
"It's not outrageous, and, yes, I am excited. Very excited. Extremely excited. Beyond the realm of excited. But I've been informed that I shouldn't be. Because I might freak out the baby."
"It's the freaked out mother you should be worried about," Jack Boyle mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
"For your information, I am not freaked out. I'm just excited. As previously stated, beyond the realm of excited. But that's okay, cause I'm retaining a calm and collected composure. Note how my voice hasn't really changed since we sat down to eat."
Joe smirked, boy is she weird...

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