40 - OH fuQ

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What the fuck happened between
you and my sister?


ummmmmm I don't know you
and uh how did you get my

Emilia LeBlanc and I have
my ways

That's not ominous


what happened between you
and Presley?

honestly, I don't know!
One night she was at my place
and we made dinner together
and then she found my polaroid
camera and we ended up having
a photo shoot. And to end off the
night, we watched Spy Kids which
we both fell asleep watching it

damn which Spy Kids?

All The Time In The World

omg that's disgusting no
wonder she left

that's your older sister's movie

I know I'm not stupid

have you heard anything from her?

no not really
She's in LA with fucking....
Jason Mac. His name disgusts me

I agree 💯

did you really just use an emoji?


you can't hear me but I'm fucking
sighing. You're so old

thanks I love the reminder
anyways that Mac guy threatened
me like right after that one post of
Presley getting a bunch of yellow
idk he could also be threatening her

oh fuck

please keep me updated

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