12. Circle of Death

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Joshua Mayberry:

If you need an introduction then that means you're new here. Don't worry, I'll update you.

Hey, I'm Joshua but my friends call me Josh and you can too. I'm fifteen and you might call me a nut job but I can assure you, everything I say is the truth.

My friends and I have spoken to Lady Louisa and were given a chance to choose.

We can either continue on with living nightmares daily or we can end one and make way for a chain of others.

A choice so difficult that we aren't sure what to do.

So, we did what normal kids do.

We went to school.


Chapter Title: CIRCLE OF DEATH

(won't bother sharing locations anymore, everyone voted them out asking why we even included them if we won't give you guys co-ordinates or actual street names...yeah. I guess that makes sense.)


When you make the decision to stay and fight for the rest of your life, your heart should beat with joy. I mean, you're free to follow a path that has already been paved and made clear for you. Plus there's a person guiding you. And also a book with clear detailed instructions written with five different point of views.

That's not how me and the guys felt. We didn't feel like we were destined for anything but sorrows and sleepless nights and darkness.

'I'm sorry guys. But we just can't do that. It's too much. We already feel like crap everyday. To be this way for the rest of our lives? I can't.' Kyle apologised for the trillionth time and we slumped down further.

It felt like there was no way we could undo this. My heart was racing every second because I felt as though we had crossed Lady Louisa and that she'd smite us any hour, minute or second. I wasn't taking any chances.

My green sandwich was soggy enough for me to just believe that she had.

'I can't believe you would just...run away like that ...and leave me.' Jaela sat beside us. While Kyle was constantly riding the "sorry" train, Jaela was bringing in the guilt.

It's true. We ran. We raced out of there like there was a demon on our backs, which technically there was, because what kind of horse is named Nightmare? He ran through the walls! He ate a spot of hair clean off, on the back of Jonathan's hairline.

'Sorry. Little lady.' Dante was trying to be apologetic.

He was actually against our decision. Him of all people. Brave but at this point was dumb.

'Dante, you're not thinking straight. You might be my best friend but you're also a lunatic man.' I ate the sandwich praying that the thing would hold together a little while longer.

Cafeteria food really does make you pray for your life to be all right. If food in school happened to be this harsh then I don't think I want to live the harsh life outside of it.

'Guys! I'm bald alright so just chill.' Jonathan looked a mess and was being teased in his classes. He usually kept shoulder length hair but when his mother saw the patch missing, she clean shaved his head. Said thank God too.

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