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  When I woke and I was in my bed. Tae probably put here after I knocked out,I thought to myself but then I got out of bed.
I went to my drawer and got my outfit and then headed to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes off.

Once I turned on the water I got inside and took a quick shower. As I got out I noticed I forgot my towel which I groaned
"Boys!" I yelled and hobi came into the room "What happened now" he said as he rubbed his eyes. "Can you pass me the towel from my bed" I shyly asked him and he blushed and brought it to me.

"Thanks hobi" I smiled at him, grabbed my towel and kissed his head then closed the bathroom door. I dry myself and then changed into the outfit I chose (the picture on top btw).
I got my toothbrush and put toothpaste and then started brushing my teeth, "Y/N come on jin is done cooking" Kookie knocked on the door then yelled it out. I spit out the remaining stuff and head to the kitchen.

"Hello my fellow cuties" I smiled at them and sat down and began eating. "Hey Y/N are you a bit better from yesterday event" Tae asked me which made me stop eat and put my tools down. I looked down at my hand and created a fist, I sighed "M-May I be excused" I whisper and Jin's reply "Yes you may sweetheart" I put my plate next to the sink and went back to my room. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it like my life depend on it.


"Taehyung, what happened yesterday because once you asked her that her mood changed"Namjoon told the young boy who sighed. "Well...." Taehyung paused then continued "you guys will get pissed so please don't do anything right now okay" they look at the Samoyed Dog confused but agreed.

He sighed and began speaking
"Well yesterday Y/N came home and she was acting a bit weird and I asked her if she was okay but she was crying and then she told that she saw her Ex-Boyfriend and that he started touching her and even tried kissing her but she punched him and kicked him" the boys were truly angry because someone tried touching the person they all love "And she explain how they broke up because of the girl who bullied her because she saw him making out with her" the boys ears lower there ears until they all heard sobs from Y/N room.

As I was holding my pillow I got a text message and it was a unknown person.

Oh my gosh first Dohyun and now I have a stalker,How does he even know about the boys, I thought to myself And began panicking which I started sobbing

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Oh my gosh first Dohyun and now I have a stalker,How does he even know about the boys, I thought to myself And began panicking which I started sobbing.

"I really can't deal with this I just want it gone" I sobbed on my pillow "Why did Dohyun have to comeback to my life again". Without me know the door opened and all seven hybrid gather around her and began kissing her head,cheeks and pecked her lips. "Calm down babe,it's going to be fine"
Namjoon reassured me and placed his head on her shoulder.

"Taehyung told us everything and promise nothing will happened to you" yoongi said before turning into his animal and lay down on my belly.

'I love you guys so much and I'll protect you from that stalker of ours' I thought and closed my eyes for a small nap.

Time Skip from the Small nap

When I woke up I saw jimin Arms around my waist and his face between my chest.
  [A/N: Aka ( •) (• ) sike those are eyes don't think they are a woman Breast but that's what I mean I'm the story lol]

Jimin baby can you please-" he cut me off by a passion kiss "let's sleep a bit more please"I sighed but agreed and fell back asleep.

               Jimin POV

Once she fell asleep and I was about to knock out I saw a text message ' You are a true slut kissing and having human intercourses with 7 different mean but I still want you' and that message had a picture of me and Y/N in Bed. I looked through the window to see if anyone was there but no ones was there.

"What the heck" I mumbled softly "Aish, You got your ex back and a stalker how odd"I raised an eyebrow "well you are not a slut or even close to that"I smiled and kissed her plump red/pink tinted lips of hers.

"I don't deserve this pain baby" he said as he played with her hair. "My brothers and I will always protect you so don't worry about him ever hurting you" I smiled at her and let her to rest by herself in her bedroom.

"Hyungs and maknaes,Come here" I yelled but not to loud to wake up Y/N. "What do you want Jimin-sii" Jungkook looked at me with a annoyed look. "So while I was with the princess guys what I saw"they looked at me confused.

"this unknown man was talking about her being a slut for having 7 male hybrid and having 'THAT' but the most odd part is that they sent a photo of me and Y/n sleeping next to me" I to them and we all began planing about what to do next.

"How about we put cameras around the house" Yoongi said as he explained why we should get cameras " Yeah you have a fair point so tomorrow we must buy cameras to set around the area"Namjoon said as we all nodded. "Hopefully we can find out who the stalker is" Taehyung sighed "I want to know who the hell he is and best him till a bloody pulse" Jungkook said.

"Don't we all but let's wait for everything for tomorrow it's already darks so let's sleep" we all nodded and head to our bedrooms and bid our goodnight to each other .

(A/n: I decided that they won't be sharing bedroom anymore they have separate rooms)


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