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c y r u s

all of a sudden i was apart of a group of friends.

when buffy texted me asking if i wanted to get lunch with her, i thought it was a prank. i knew tj and her were close but now that he's dating kira they've been kind of distant.

i hesitantly agreed just because it was a boring sunday afternoon and i had nothing better to do.

i bumped into tj and for the first time i was nervous around him. the realization i had come to about a week ago had been eating me alive. i've known i was gay since i was in kindergarten. i had a crush on this boy and since that's how i felt to begin with, i never questioned it. i didn't tell anyone though because apparently i was supposed to like girls. i'm not ashamed of being gay, i'm just not open about it. but this is my first time having feelings for a guy since kindergarten. it was unnerving and i could feel my anxiety levels rising. i didn't need to be falling for a guy right now.

buffy and i talked for a solid 3 hours. it was mostly her asking me question and me answering them as carefully as i can. i didn't want to open up to her right away. just like i did with tj. but buffy is sweet and determined and she told me i could eat lunch with her at school. even if her friends were slightly scared of me, they would warm up. surprisingly i took her up on the offer and that's how i ended up at their lunch table on monday.

tj hadn't been in class in the morning. i wasn't worried though, just curious. kira seemed to be freaking out in the hall about something he did. she was saying how apparently he was hanging out with amber, a senior, and he ditched her at the spoon. damn, she seemed possessive.

i had arrived early to lunch that day and i was patiently waiting for one of buffy's friends to sit down with me. my thoughts were cut off by kira sitting across from me.

"hey, it's cyrus, right?" she said with a evil smirk on her face. i already didn't like her.

"um, yeah." i awkwardly said and i looked around the cafeteria frantically searching for one of the people that was supposed to be at my table.

"you and tj are really close, huh?" she said with something in her voice that i couldn't quite make sense of. "he's never had a friend like you."

"um, okay. listen i don't know why you're here but i'm waiting for people so if you could move, that would be highly appreciated." i was annoyed. i didn't know what her deal was but i wasn't having it. i have no tolerance for shitty people and she was definitely a shitty person.

"what the fuck is your problem?" she practically yelled. some people turned to look at us but the cafeteria was starting to get loud so it was hard to hear.

"i don't have a problem. you seem like the one with the problem." i rolled my eyes and held myself back from letting out a groan. i seriously don't understand why she's talking to me. yeah, me and tj might be close but she's reading way too much into this.

"don't pretend like i don't know who you really are, fag." she started to get up but i panicked. what did she mean? how did she know i was gay? i haven't told anyone and i tried to not make it obvious.

"what the hell are you talking about?" i grabbed her wrist and i saw her smirk start to grow larger.

"i don't know, cyrus, what am i talking about?" she was staring me dead in the eye and i felt like i was a fish being observed at the aquarium. just before one of us could say anything we were interrupted.

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