Chapter 11

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Well, not about moms, but we got to know plenty about our dads. I started to feel like even my dad was not so close to me, as I never knew this side of him. But somehow I felt good as my dad was nothing less than a superhero back in his college days.

- 'Wow! I never knew my dad was like that' Ash said.

- 'Same here, umm, Prof Riven, you didn't tell us, how do you know my mom?' Rosa asked.

- 'Well, she....'

Suddenly, we heard a huge chaos coming from the arena. The show dragons were out of control, and one of them was flying high on the sky, with someone on it's back. We all ran towards the corner.

- 'Oh no! Zeo!!' Richard yelled.

- 'WHAT!! THAT'S ZEO??' me and Ash said in unison.

- 'Yes, he was trying to control the dragon and...' Richard said to us, and then he turned to prof. Riven, 'Professor Can you please help? He's in real trouble.'

- 'Get my dragon, quickly Richard!' Prof. Riven suggested.

- 'Let me handle this Professor, dragons are just my thing.' Ashlynn said 'ASHLYNN FAIRY TRANSFORM!'

Ash changed herself into a fairy (which is our actual form, duh!) , and we all did the same as she was gonna need some help.

- 'Zeo! Zeo, here!' Ashlynn got up the dragon's position and called Zeo who was, in great trouble.

Zeo looked at us but was unable to say anything. The dragon was getting madder.

- 'Sab and Vee, get to the other side and Rosa come with me,' Ash commanded and we took our positions. 'Now let me see how you don't listen to me dear dragon,'

Ashlynn closed her eyes and was concentrating, as we kept distracting the dragon, with all we had in our mind was to save Zeo. After some tome, Ash opened her eyes and created an illusion arond the dragon and it got hypnotised.

- 'Now! I command you to come to the arena, safe and sound.' Ash said.

The dragon was totally hypnotised, it listened to her but Zeo lost his control and fell down.

We all shouted as we saw him falling down, but we couldn't reach him, Zeo was down at the lake beneath the Red fountain tower in no time.

The guys came down after some time and prof. Riven (who came down on his dragon's back, how cool was that!) jumped in the water and saved Zeo, took him out of the water.

- 'Zeo! Are you okay?' he asked.

- 'uhhm! Uhmm!! Yes professor, I think I am.' Zeo somehow managed to say.

Maybe I was wrong, but I saw him looking at Ashlynn's worried face with soft eyes.

Needless to say our visit was over for that day and we waved them goodbye before returning to our school.


Students' apartment, Cloudtower School of witchcraft, Magix

- 'Damn you Meduona! Can't you do a single thing correctly by yourself?'Darcy slammed at her niece.

- 'I casted a spell on that dragon so that it could attack the fairies, Aunt Darcy, but everything went wrong.' Meduona said.

- 'Everything always goes wrong with you, we can see that' Stormy said.

- 'With this attitude of yours, we can never save your parents, get that very clear Meduona, now get yourself out before someone can find us talking.' Darcy said and vanished along with Stormy.

- 'DAMN!' Meduona said and walked towards the classroom.


Royal Palace, Solaria

Nova told her Queen everything she got to know from the Princess about destroying the potion lab. Stella became worried than before. She was panicking since then.

- 'I told you Brandon! I told you she's gonna know everything, oh My Fairy Godmother!'

- 'Stella! You really destroyed the potion lab?'

- 'I'm serious Brandon! And don't act like you don't know about that'

- 'Oh of course I do, I was kidding!'

- 'okay then, don't do it now, I'm serious, today she got to know about this, tomorrow the teachers will tell her about the Winx Club, and then she'll find out about that incident as well, what will we do then?'

- 'Musa and Tecna are already there, and trust me Sunshine they also don't wanna spill that out I'm sure, and even if Sabrina finds out, she has all the rights to know about Chandra.'

- 'Brandon!' Stella started crying.

- 'Don't cry sweetie, you know someday or the other, she's going to know, I think we should tell her before she learns by herself.'


Students' Apartment, Red Fountain, Magix

Zeo was lying on his couch, as it was a very eventful day for him. All the professors visited him a while ago, and his roomie Richard was out for some reason, so he was all alone, thinking about the strange thing that happened today. Not just he lost control off the dragon, but he found a whole new thing regarding himself.

Was it true? Can he? He wanted to talk to someone, but there was no one.

- 'Hey dude! How are you feeling now?' Richard came in and asked. 'Here take this; I got you some healthy soup from the kitchen.'

- 'That's do thoughtful of you Prince!' Zeo replied, taking the soup bowl from him.

- 'Hey! Don't mock me, I seriously care about you dude! We're friends, and I really got worried when you were in trouble, seriously!' Richard said.

- 'About that, I really wanna thank you, but I'll save it for later as I'm sure I'm gonna save you a thousand times, hahaha!' Zeo said, 'But there are some people I should thank, Sabrina and her friends, and your sister Ashlynn, she controlled the dragon,'

- 'Really dude! You think my sis has done something for you?' Richard winked.

- 'Yeah she did, I really wanna thank her, and Richard!' Zeo stopped.

- 'Yes?' Richard asked.

- 'Umm! Nothing much but, I think I can breathe under water.' Zeo hesitatingly said which left Richard speechless.




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