Chapter 15

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Professor Musa's classroom, Alfea, Magix

A day off was finally gone and now we were in the college again, back to our regular routine. It was Prof. Musa's class, and I hate to admit it but it was kind of boring.

- 'So! Everyone, this is the thing. All you have to do is to believe in your inner self. We all have some kind of music inside. Listen to it, listen to your heart.' She said and closed her eyes.

- 'Seriously dude?! Is she listening to her inner music?' Angelina, our classmate commented after seeing her action.

- 'What is inner music anyway??' another classmate replied.

- 'Why don't you people just concentrate on what she's saying? Or else, at least let others concentrate,' I snapped in a low voice, but enough loud for them to hear.

And for Prof. Musa as well.

- 'Ah!! I see some of you are not quite doing what I said.' The teacher said with anger.

- 'Oh o!! Trouble alert!' Ash murmured.

- 'Stand up when I'm talking to you! Princess Sabrina of Solaria!' Prof. Musa yelled.

- 'Yes ma'am!' I said, immediately standing up.

- 'Care to explain why you were not listening to my words and talking on your own?' She asked, not very politely.

- 'Sorry ma'am but, I was getting disturbed by the backbenchers, was unable to concentrate, so I was just asking them to be quite.' I said.

- 'No ma'am we were listening to you only, we did nothing. It was Sabrina who disturbed us.' Angelina lied.

- 'Sabrina! Out of the class, now!' she ordered.

- 'But professor! I did nothing, I was just telling them to be quite!' I was really surprised.

I looked around, my girls were also, very much surprised.

- 'She's right; she wasn't disturbing anyone mom...err... Professor!' Vee said.

- 'Did I ask you Veena? Or do you want to follow her?' Prof. Musa rolled her eyes and Vee became quite. 'Now you, Sabrina, out.' She pointed at the door.

It was a hard moment for me. I haven't been scolded or humiliated like this in my whole life. I was always a very well mannered and well behaved girl, as my mom taught me to be. Now I'm the one here getting myself out of the classroom, that too without doing anything. (P. S little did I know, this was just the beginning, we girls had a list of rule breaking works saved for later)

Tears started filling up my eyes as I ran outside. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I know you might be thinking that it isn't a very big deal, it happens. But for me it was, because as a Princess I've always learned how to behave properly, according to my mother that's the key thing in one's life. She would be hurt after knowing about this.

I ran as far as I could. I was hurt and crying. I found myself in the woods of the outskirts of Alfea. It was our lunchtime hangout place and I sat on the bench nearby, covering my face with my palms.

I can't tell surely for how long I was sitting like that there, I came back to my senses when I heard a sound near me. It was very strange sound. Suddenly I saw a vacuum appearing in front of me and it grew bigger and bigger until two people came out of it. I stood up and watched them carefully. There were two ladies standing in front of me, one was having dusky blonde hair and dusky skin, she was wearing a pink shirt and green pencil skirt. The other one was a dark skinned lady with dark brown hair, wearing a bodysuit. Both of them were of our mothers' age, I assumed.

- 'Alfea! We missed you' the first one said with a sigh.

- 'Yes, a lot, it's like coming back home after so many years.' The other one replied.

- 'I wonder what....' The first one stopped after seeing me standing there, looking at them. 'Hey there little one, are you a student here?' she asked in a sweet voice.

- 'Umm well, I...'

- 'If you are, then what are you doing outside? Classes are probably going on now' the other one asked before I could answer.

- 'I just... got thrown out of the class, because I was trying to clear the disturbances around, to concentrate.' I explained.

By their faces I could say they didn't quite get it. They shared a glance, and then they sat beside me.

- 'Was that a teleportation spell?' I asked because of my curiosity.

- 'Well, no. It was a teleportation device we used to get here; it was one of our friend's creations.' The first one replied, smiling.

- 'Works almost as the teleportation spell, only it has more accuracy.' The other one added.

- 'I see, maybe Pixel would understand,' I said.

- 'Pixel?' they asked in unison.

- 'My friend, she's a techno-magic genius' I happily announced.

They said nothing, just looked at each other with no clue.

- 'Pardon me, did I say something wrong?' I asked.

- 'No no, it's just that, the device we were talking about is also designed by another techno magic genius.' The dark one replied.

- 'I'm Flora, and she's Aisha, my friend.' She said showing the other one who waved a 'hi' smiling. 'We were just like you when we came here for the first time,' she continued.

- 'And the rest is history' added Aisha.

- 'Where are you coming from?' I asked.

- 'Oh, I'm from Andross, and she's from Linphea.' Aisha answered.

My eyes got bigger at the name of the place.

- 'Are you...Professor Flora of Linphea College?' I asked.

Flora was surprised at this; probably she wasn't expecting this to come from a person she knew for last 10 minutes.

- 'Well, yes I am, but how do you know me?' she asked.

- 'Because Prof. Flora, Rosalinda is one of my closest friends and we share the same apartment too.' I cheerfully stated. 'I'm Princess Sabrina of Solaria.'

Both of them looked at each other and then smiled at me.

- 'You're the Princess of Solaria?' Prof. Flora asked.

- 'Yes.' I replied.

They came near and hugged me from both sides. Before I could understand anything I was getting sandwiched between them.

- 'Umm, excuse me but may I know why I'm getting this hug? Not that I do not like it.' I asked.

- 'Well, I guess I can hug you, you're my daughter's friend,' Flora said.

- 'And friend's daughter' Aisha added, again.

- 'What did you say? You know my mother?' I asked, surprised and happy both.

- 'Of course we do, Stella was, is, our friend.' Aisha replied.


sorry for late update guys.

455 reads, thank you so much everyone.

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love you all :D

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