Chapter 24

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Next morning, Royal palace, Solaria

Bloom and Sky were visiting Solaria, for Brandon called them and said it was something urgent. Right in that moment Stella was sitting in the huge living room of the palace along with Brandon, Sky and Bloom, crying her heart out. Brandon and Bloom were comforting her.

- 'I told.....everyone ...that....this day would come, no one.....cared. Now see, see Bloom. My baby asking questions about.... the thing she should never know.' Stella sobbed. 'I told everyone....not to send...her to...Alfea..'.

- 'Stella! Calm down, calm down..' Bloom handed her a tissue.

- ' I supposed to...Bloom? You know how sensitive this topic is. I've never uttered a word about Chandra to her, I did it successfully. And now everything just went in vain because of she got to know by herself.' Stella said.

- 'Stella!' Bloom sighed, 'what you did was not right.'

- 'What do you mean?' Stella questioned.

- 'Stella, Chandra was Sabrina's elder sister, she had, by birth, all the right to know about her. But you never told her, this was absolutely wrong according to me.' Bloom stated.

- 'I told her she was doing wrong, but she was determined about hiding it from her. And Sky knows how it works; we can never say anything over you girls' statements.' Brandon joked and received death glares from both the girls. Sky gestured to him not to crack silly jokes in a serious moment like this.

- 'BRANDON! Aren't you worried at all? You're her father...' Stella snapped.

- 'That's exactly why I'm not worried Stella. I knew she'd know sooner or later. And I'm actually happy she got to know this quickly, because if things would've gone according to your wish then probably she would've never known. Brandon said seriously.

- 'Yeah! Blame it on me now.' Stella stated.

- 'No one is blaming you Stella, Brandon does have a point. See whatever you've done in past, you have to face the situation now with no other choice. This could be avoided. That's his point.' Sky explained.

- 'Stella, you remember, there was no one who could tell me about my sister and family. I was unaware of them 16 long years. I had no choice, but things could've been different with Sabrina. She must be hurt by knowing that her own parents are the reason she never got to know her elder sister.' Bloom rested her hand on Stella's.

- 'I don't know what should I do now Bloom.' Stella sobbed.

- 'Better late than never, when she comes, tell her everything.' Bloom said.

- 'That means we'll have to tell her about the Winx Club and the Company of Light as well.' Stella said.

- 'Well!' Bloom sighed. 'Guess it's the time. We all have lot of explanations to do.' And everyone sighed.


Teleportation center, Magix City, Magix

If you're thinking what we were doing in the teleportation center of the city, let me tell you about our "Mission Solaria" that got postponed by a day. We were studying all night long and there was no way we could attend all the classes without sleeping in middle of them. So we decided to take a day off giving lame 'fairy sickness' excuse and slept till the afternoon. Before Miss Griselda could come and check us (5 people having the same sickness, I mean how could we even think of making Griselda fool??), we ran away from the school campus. We ended up in here, to visit Solaria. Being a Princess I never had financial crisis and could afford the 'transportation' charges for all 5 of us. We were getting ready for the journey.

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