chapter 13

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Flora's house, Linphea

Flora finally got the courage to go to Alfea, she called her bestie to ask if she's gonna give her some company.

- 'Flora! Hi! It's been so many days...' Her bestie cheerfully said.

- 'Hello Aisha! How have you been?'

- 'Oh all good, you say?'

- 'Aisha, you know I told you that Rosalinda wants to go to Alfea?'

- 'Yes Flora, you told me, did something happen?'

- 'Well, I don't know but she wants to see me, and I'll have to go to Alfea.'

- 'Oh Flora! I knew this was going to happen someday,' Aisha sighed.

- 'Aisha, do you want to come with me? As you know Rosa really loves you and.... I don't want to be alone when I'd meet Musa and Tecna after all these years.'

- 'You have me by your side, always, you know that Flora. Of course I'm going to come with you, just tell me when we'll be leaving.'

- 'Love ya, Aisha!'


Red Fountain School of Wizardry, bravery and heroics, Magix

Richard rushed back to his room when the classes were over for the day. He was worried about his ill friend; Zeo got a day off for he was not feeling well.

- 'Dude! Are you okay now?' Richard asked.

- 'Well yes, frankly I didn't want the day off, but needed some time for myself.' Zeo replied.

- 'Zeo! That's your imagination, trust me! No one can breathe under water, it's impossible, unless you're taking some kinda pill, or potion. Or is it a special spell?'

- 'None of the above, Richie!'

- 'Ugh! Don't call me that.'

- 'But Sabrina said it's your nickname,'

- 'Since when you guys have became this much of friends?'

- 'oh she's amazing, I can share everything with her, if only someone doesn't get J'

- 'I'm not jealous or something'

- 'Good for you, by the way, my point is; that's not my imagination or hallucination or anything you came up with, it's true that I can breathe under water.'

- 'And how do you know that?'

- 'Because again I jumped in the lake today, to check.'

- 'You did this in your off day? You're impossible Zeo!'

- 'Well, that was the only way to find out, and now I'm even surer that I was right.'

- 'Zeo, why don't you ask your parents? I'm sure they can help you with this, besides, you belong to a well known wizard family so maybe it's natural for you? Maybe you're gifted or it already runs in the family?'

- 'that won't help either Richie,'

- 'Why now?'

- 'Because I'm an adopted kid, my parents aren't my biological parents.'

Richard went speechless again, wondering what Zeo is made off? What makes him so cool and calm about everything? He's discovering this guy every day and getting amazed every time.

- 'Maybe it's time for me to find out my real parents, you know Richie I was never bothered about that, as my foster parents are so loving and caring that I never felt the need to know about my real ones, but I guess now the time has arrived.' Zeo said.

- 'Don't worry Zeo, you have me. And I'm sure we can find out your parents. My mother was also an adopted kid, but later she found her real parents, and now we have 2 pairs of maternal grandparents to spoil us.

- 'Yes the Legacy of the royal family of Domino, I know, Thanks Bud! I owe you one.'


Somewhere in the Omega Dimension

Darcy and Stormy were trying their heart out to resurrect Icy, their sister. They had all the evil reasons behind it, not because they loved her or something, but because they wanted to rule the world and they knew they couldn't get success without Icy.

The Winx- the company of light, along with the witches and the specialists, killed Icy and her husband Tritanus, and buried their bodies in different places, so that they cannot stay near each other even after death. Icy's was in the Omega D and Tritanus's was somewhere they didn't know. Darcy and Stormy escaped death and they saved Meduona, Icy and Tritanus's daughter. They brought her up telling her how great and brave her parents were, and they made sure Meduona's motto in life should be saving her parents and to hate all the good things. However Meduona was cursed to have such aunts who made her exactly like them and nothing different.

Darcy and Stormy were trying to break Icy's tomb since Meduona was 3 years old, before that, they were busy finding out a way to sneak in the Omega Dimension and taking care of the child. As the Omega Dimension is so secured that even a fly can't sneak in without permission. But it was the Trix sisters; they somehow got a way out, with their evil magic and tricky minds. (Even without Icy; Darcy and Stormy make a great team).Since the past 13 years, they are trying to bring her sister back. Meanwhile Meduona grew up, went to school and then finally got a chance to study in Cloudtower. Though Darcy and Stormy were dead against it because they never wanted to tell the world that Icy's daughter is alive, but Meduona wanted to study there so that she could have an eye on the fairies being close to them, besides, her mother studied there. Though they tried their best to keep Meduona's existence a secret, still there are people who knew she survived. One is Bloom, as she's the one who saved her. Second, Prof. Griffin; because Bloom told her. And third person is Sky, Bloom's husband.

Icy was Pregnant with Meduona a year before the last battle took place. The trix and Tritanus were hiding in a place, because before another year (that makes 18 years from the present day) they lost a battle against the same enemy squad. But they survived that time and were hiding, and preparing for another battle. That was an island, a barren one, full of snakes. When Icy was 6months pregnant, she got a huge snake bite from an even larger snake. Everyone thought the baby died, but it didn't. Instead that poison made her even stronger. So when the child was born, they named her "Meduona". (A.N: I love mythology of different countries, according to Greek mythology; Medusa was the goddess of snakes. I named her after Medusa).

Now by each day passing, they are trying even harder to make their wish come true.





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