Aizawa thinks too fucking much

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Aizawa is hit by a quirk that makes him think out aloud- everything he thinks he just verbalizes it and has no filter/control over it. But the problem is he's always thinking constantly and its one if the reasons he's always so quiet. He's analyzing people and his surroundings and just thinking of the most mundane things like a grocery list. Oh but he also thinks about Hizashi and stupid jokes he or Nemuri say and is just now getting.

"Hizashi you beautiful man, I love you."

"Mr. Aizawa sir, we're learning quirk laws. Not your love life."

"Kaminari makes grading hard to do because of his chicken scratch hand writing and he makes me want to rip my own lungs out."


"Oh shit I need more cake for my 2 AM round with depression and my 14th midlife crises. I need to add that to the list."

"I apologize for Eraserhead's behavior. He was hit by a quirk last night."

"All Might's neck looks like an Olive Garden bread stick."

"I- Wha-? I don't understand, Eraser? How is my neck-"

"Hah... Titty sprinkles.."

And this has been, stupid shower thoughts with Taurus.

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