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Jayda is a supernatural being going on 199 years old. Before she was turned, she possessed powers even as a human. She had the ability to manipulate the weather, albeit it happened unknowingly. However, since she's been turned, she has gained control over her power and even got an extra. It was a very special gift, and even without her knowing it, she could feel energy flowing through her body, and that's when she knew there was a new power added onto the previous ones. The vampire called this gift, copy cat. The best part for her is that she could manipulate the alternate use of these gifts at her own will.

Jayda is considered the most feared person in the vampire world, even the volturi can't help the shiver of discomfort they get whenever the girl is mentioned. Jayda had made it her mission to accumulate the guards' gifts and she succeeded. They wouldn't dare challenge her. The vampire lives in a house with an old lady. She's nice, the girl thinks but she senses something off about the lady. Will that woman be a threat to vampire's life?

Absolutely everyone has something to hide and Jayda isn't separated from that group. The vampire has a secret which no one should know. This sort of information is classified and the girl would be damned if anyone found out and tried to ruin her reputation.

Jayda had a similar story to that of her mate. She was also apart of Maria's army, though it was not Maria who changed her. She wanted to learn more about the life of a vampire but it didn't take long for her to realize just how corrupt and selfish Maria was. Jayda's time was not wholly spent in agony as she met her mate there. She hid, however, because Maria had set sights on her soulmate and she couldn't bare to see him hurt. Jayda was aware of the lengths Maria would go to get what she wants, and being fairly new to the world of the immortals she had no way of getting her mate to see truth. The vampire felt it was only right for her to flee. She abused her power and made herself forget the pain but sometimes it would become too much. Even so, the girl will soon find that pain never lasts forever.

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