Chapter 4

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Mistress's POV
I can't believe these bitches. Just then I remember Jasper and whip my head around to examine his body for any marks that haven't healed yet. I sigh in relief when I realize there are none, except for his battle scars which are sexy as hell.

"Thank the Lord," I say, then the whites of his eyes turn black.
"Hello there Major," I greet.
"Hello my mate,"he politely greets with a sexy smirk. That goddamn smirk is slowly becoming my favourite thing in the world. Smiling, I kiss his sexy lips rather roughly and moan when his hands caress my body on their journey to my curvy hips.

"Why are you kissing our brother?! We don't even know who you are and you come here throwing yourself at someone else's mate!" Rosalie exclaims.
I roll my eyes smirking before pulling away,
"I am so sorry, where are my manners? I'm Mistress the other side of Jayda like Jasper has major and I'm the Major's mate not Alice. Eddie boy over there her mate." They all look at me in shock except for the Major, of course.

"How can we be sure you're not lying?" Emmett asks. Awe he wants to believe me. He has to be my favorite of the Cullens.
"Well for starters my accent. If you're very keen when looking at me you notice the scars. My posture changes. Plus there's the fact that I quite literally just said I am the goddess of War," I rant. "Fucking dumbasses." I whisper to myself. I feel Jasper squeezes my ass when i cursed. Damn, looks like I'm getting punishment later.

They all look at me with fear and apolgy clear in their eyes,
"I'm deeply sorry for questioning you Mistress, it won't happen again," Rosalie says,
"You are forgiven, but please don't address me or Major with fear in your voice," I say softly, "We won't hurt you unless you give us a reason to," Major finishes off for me.

I smile at him and just as quick as it came, it left. I sense Alice's energy behind of us, and I quickly spin to lock her in a choke hold, smirking as her limp body falls to the ground. I then decide it was time to let Jayda come out because her constant nagging is becoming very annoying.

Jayda's POV
Finally, she let me out again. It was getting quite boring in my head just watching her have all the fun, it isn't fair. I look into the Major's eyes and he nods somehow knowing what I want. I stare at him and smile as the whites of his eyes return along with dark irises.

"Hi Jasper," I blush, hanging my head submissively. I can feel my underwear get damper by the minute as he replied,
"Why hello there ma'am,"
"Wait? Are we really going to believe this little slut? We should get the volturi involved and report a mate stealer right here," Edward fumes. I smirk and lift my head to look at his standing figure,
"Oh really? I can call them for you Eddie boo boo," I say before projecting my mental shield to Aro's mind.

'Hey Aro, Edward wants you and the guard to come down to the Cullen residence immediately'

'Why the hell is that Cullen requesting our presence?'

'If you come down here you'll find out, now quit whining and get your ass down here!'

'Fine we will be there soon'

'Okay see you'

I retract my shield and smile,
"He said he'll be here in a few hours," I relay the message I got from Aro.
"Why couldn't I feel your emotions darlin'? You scared me just now," Major, or should I say Jasper said. If it was anybody else and I was my old self I would have ended their life immediately, but it was my mate so I couldn't do that.
"Well Major," I saw him stiffen. I look into his eyes to see confusion, hatred, worry and sadness.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you," I panick. I've never seen him upset and as a matter of fact I never even knew he was still alive until today.
"No no, it's fine, go on," I can feel my essence threatening to drip down my legs so I squish my legs together to prevent myself from further embarrassment and continue to speak,
"I contacted him through my mind and he said he would be here soon, and to answer your question Maj- Jasper when I'm using some of my powers my emotions are blocked," I explain. They all look at me in awe, except the one and only of course.

"Why are you all looking at her like that? It's clear she's lying," Alice protests and I glare at her with pure hate in my eyes,
"Well Alice sweetie, it seems that you and Edward are the only ones disagreeing, why is that? If you don't mind me asking," I smile coyly  at them and their razor sharp gazes pierce my skin.
"Oh she's good," Emmett says chuckling at me to which I give him a genuine smile,
"If you would just wait Alice dear I'm sure he'll be here," I plaster a smile on my face which can be perceived as nothing but fake.

○●°•°□■^-^  3 H O U R S   L A T E R  ^-^■□°•°●○

Hours have passed and they still haven't shown up. I'm beginning to feel frustration bubbling deep within me. Luckily though, just as the pixie bitch is about to say something, we hear them approaching. I smirk in triumph and look at the witch twins' -as I call them- shook faces. Shit's about to go down!

Word count: 960 words.

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