Chapter 15

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Alice's POV
God! I hope she is willing to be my friend or at least an acquaintance. I feel so stupid; I was such a bitch, and for no reason, Jasper isn't even my mate. I sigh as we come to a stop.

"Look, Jayda... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...for everything I did. I know this might not mean much, but I really hope we can be friends.....if not then allies," I outstretch my hand for her to shake as a nervous look creeps onto my face. I stand, anxiously awaiting her response, but she -in return- envelopes me in a warm hug.

"I accept your apology." She says pulling away. "But I swear if you deceive me or give me a reason to question our relationship, I will ruin you." The sweet smile she wears doesn't match her harsh words. I gulp and nod my head vigorously. She hugs me again, and we decide to go hunt a few deer and mountain lions before heading back home.

Jayda's POV
We were out for hours. I don't know, Alice just seems different now. I always knew she isn't as rude and rotten as she acted. We had a good time and decide against running back home because we aren't in a rush. We talk about random stuff and about how we skipped almost all of the school year.

3rd Person POV
Giggles and laughter were heard as the vampire sisters approached the Cullen residential. Outside stood Carlisle and the rest of the family, awaiting the arrival of Alice and Jayda. Carlisle was the first to speak,
"Where were you two? You had us all worried!" You could feel the sincerity in Carlisle's voice as he spoke. He was a caring man who would do anything to ensure his family's security.

"There's no need to worry Dad. I just wanted to apologise to Jayda," Alice said with a soft giggle as she observed everyone's reaction, "yeah! We just got caught up and decided to hunt before we came back," Jayda reassured.

Nothing more was said as everyone piled into the house. Edward thought that something was a bit fishy, so he brought Alice to her room and started questioning her. Bombarding her with questions like...
"Did she force you to apologise?"
"Did you get a chance to attack her?"
"Why weren't you lying about going hunting with her?"
And they were endless.

Alice was getting annoyed, so she piped in.
"Jayda didn't force me to do anything! I chose to apologise because I felt my actions were pointless and didn't want her to think that I'd always be the enemy. Now, I think you should do the same thing and make amends." The pixie ranted in one breath. She was getting kinda tired of Edward's bullshit, she had just about enough of it.

Edward was a bit hesitant at first but he eventually agreed to try and apologise to Jayda, hoping she would accept his apology as she did his mate's.

The couple headed down the stairs together and saw everyone in the living room. They were either drinking a blood bag, or playing games, or both. Edward cleared his throat, the need to get this over with eating him away.
"I'd like to speak with Jayda," he said, standing with his arms in his pockets, Alice clinging to one.
"About what?" Jasper responded in a defiant tone of voice.
"No, no it's fine. Come on Edward," Jayda smiled, already having an idea as to what he wanted to talk about.

They went outside, Alice still attached to Edward's arm.
"Ok. So you know I don't really like you, but.... My mate does and I'm soft for her so I wanted to know if you would like to be my ally." With a hard nudge to his side, Edward groaned and corrected himself, "fine! Would you consider being my friend?" His patience was running thin as he stood, awaiting the Goddess' reply.

The awkwardness too, was not doing any good for Edward's temper.
"Ok fine. I'll consider being friends but for now we're allies, that's it." She started to walk away but stopped. Turning around, she added, "and that's not how you apologise to someone, or ask for their forgiveness." She left the conversation at that. Swaying her hips as she made her way back to the house.

Making her way over to Jasper, Jayda sat on his lap facing him.

'Hey daddy' she purred.

'Upstairs. Now."

Let's just say, Jayda had to make the room sound proof to ensure their dignity.

Word count 767 words.

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