Chapter 8

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Jayda's POV
We are now walking down the street to the ice-cream store. Once we arrive, I look around and see the name of the shop. I giggle as I read the board, 'Giddy's Ice-cream Swoosh'.
"What's so funny princess?" Daddy asks and I point to the name of the shop. He chuckles at the sight of the neon colors.

We enter the store and I'm immediately hit with the scent of vanilla. The air conditioning, the pretty pastel colors around and the bustling audience gives the place a welcoming aura. Giggling, I pull at Jasper's hand,
"Daddy I want coockie and cweam wit stwawberry and topping chocwate syup with woms and beaws!" I say excitedly, he beams at me and nods. I had fallen back into little space at the thought of getting ice cream.

We walk towards the counter to order, then find ourselves a booth that's secluded more or less. After a while we finally hear my name and Jasper gets the ice-cream.

I devour my ice-cream, kinda sad that Jasper can't enjoy it too. When I finish eating and dispose of the container, we start walking along the streets once again. I tell him that I will be going to a book store, when actually I'm gonna get my piercing. I kiss him goodbye and start my walk down the busy street, scanning the area for a tattoo and piercing shop.

I eventually find a parlor and enter with an unwavering determination. I try to find someone who can at least get my piercing done, when this shorty comes up to me with a smirk on his face.
"Hey, whatcha looking for, piercing or tattoo?" the boy asks. He looks to be around 27 and his voice is heavy with a British accent, he's kinda cute.
"I'd like a piercing please sir!" I say excitedly. The boy chuckles and escorts me to a station after agreeing do my piercing.

I can't believe I, Jayda Alyssa Kennedy am sitting here right now, about to get a fucking piercing! I lift my shirt and pull down my skirt to expose my navel for the boy to ice.
"Is it gonna hurt mister?" I ask getting nervous. But I am too far in now, so no backsoutzies! He smirks then gives me a warm smile, before piercing my navel making me wince slightly.

Word count 403 words.

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