Chapter 14

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The family had arrived back at the house not too long ago and Jayda was still asleep. Jasper put on a pair of sweatpants, and made his way down the stairs.

"Damn Jasper, you really showed Jayda who's in charge!" Emmett bellowed once he saw his brother. Jasper rolled his eyes and Emmett received a slap upside his head from Rosalie. The burly vampire whined to his wife and pouted, he was really a child.

"How is she?" Esme asked.
"She's sleeping," Jasper replied.
"Oh! Well I better go prepare some food for her, I'll be right back!" The housewife kissed her husband, before making her way to the kitchen to prepare a dish for her son's mate and her brother.

"Honestly dude you need to learn to stop projecting your thoughts and emotions," Edward cringed,
Jasper chuckled before replying, "It was subconscious Eddy suck it up,"

Rolling his eyes, Edward made his way to the love seat, sitting with Alice on his lap. The seer was thinking that maybe she was being a total selfish bitch before, and that maybe, just maybe, she could become friends with Jayda. Or at least an ally. With that thought, she felt the arms around her waist tighten and looked up to see Edward grinning down at her. She smiled and leaned up pecking her mate's lips.

Meanwhile, Lucas was running through the forest when he came across a lake.

Lucas' wolf Lilo cautiously approached the lake. Slowly, Lilo placed a paw in the lake before flinching back slightly. Not long after, the wolf heard multiple paws approaching the lake, he growled, standing his ground, facing them as they emerged from the trees.

"Who is this wolf?"
"Woah! His fur looks so soft!"
"Couldn't he have come another time!!"

'Oh! So they don't know who I am.' Lucas thought.
'No shit dumbass' Lilo sassed.

Lucas observed the wolves before running back to the Cullen house. Shifting when he arrived, he opened the door to see the family minus Jayda.

"Guess what I just saw?" He chuckled walking to the kitchen to see multiple plates with food scattered out on the table. He licked his lips digging into the buffet in front of him.

"What was it baby boy," Emmett whispers, now behind his mate. A scarlet blush spread across Lucas' cheeks as he stopped eating.

"U-uhh um," the sub stammered.

"LUCAS!" his name was yelled. It was Edward. In response to his brief outburst Edward was chased out into the forest by his pixie mate.

Emmett snaked his arm around the wolf's waist as he kissed his ear, nibbling lightly.

"I-I I saw other wolves!" Lucas squeaked. Emmett ceased his movements and growled lowly.

"The Quileute Tribe,"

Jayda awoke at that moment with a low groan, the memories of what happened flooding her mind making her blush. The girl got off the bed and head to the bathroom to wash her face, after which she headed downstairs while rubbing her eyes.

Everyone stared at the 5'6 vampire as she came into view, only wearing an oversized T-shirt as far as their eyes could see. Smelling the food, Jayda made her way to the dining table, reveling in the smell of the amazing looking food before digging in.

Burping softly Jayda turned to look at the others,
"Where's Edward and Alice?" Everyone was shocked at the correct pronunciation of the two vampires' name coming from Jayda's mouth.

"Alice chased him out into the woods when he yelled my name I don't know what it was, what I know for sure is that it wasn't my thoughts cause they were absolutely pure, yup nothing unholy going on up here." Lucas ended his rant with a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.
"Right." Jayda smirked dragging out the 'i'. Lucas reacted with a blush before burying his face into Rosalie's neck.

Then, the current subject entered unexpectedly.
"They're coming." Was all the pixie said before the smell of wet dog invaded the family's senses.
"What the fuck is that!" Jayda exclaimed, bring her hand up to her nose to shield it from the foul scent. Jasper's subsequent growl warned Jayda of her unacceptable use of language and maybe she got a little wet. What's so wrong with that?

Her salacious thoughts were cut short due to multiple growls and sneers coming from outside the mansion. Everyone made their way out and was met with three wolves.

"They want to know who you are," Edward said, his statement directed to Lucas.
"Why?" the wolf questioned.
"They feel like they should be serving you, and they don't know why," he explained.

Lucas didn't understand what was happening but a thought came to mind. He thought that maybe they were feeling this way because he's the superior wolf.

"Do you know what I am?" He asked, the wolves shook their head in response. Lucas pondered for a minute before he shifted. Grunting in surprise, the wolves jumped back lowering themselves in a defensive stance. Lucas strutted towards the three shifters and stopped in front of them, standing tall.

I am called the silver wolf, but my name is Lucas.

Wait, so you're the almighty silver wolf? You don't seem as intimidating as the stories portray.

And I guess that's a good thing. Now, could you be so kind and tell me your names?

I'm Seth!

Great, pleasure to meet you boys. I hope that we don't meet again on bad terms in the future.

No sir, of course not!


And so the trio left and Lucas shifted back.
"Well, that went well! I think," Carlisle exclaimed while clapping his hands once. All eyes turned to him and Jayda couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle which captured everyone's attention. The awkward atmosphere was shattered when Esme spoke,
"Why don't we all go inside?"

Everyone agreed and started to make their way inside. Alice quickly interjected, calling after a certain girl,
"Jayda, can I speak with you? Privately, "
Jayda wasn't sure if she should trust Alice enough to go anywhere alone with her, but she agreed anyways, keeping Mistress at the brink.

Word count 1036 words.

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