Chapter 11- Chance

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Chapter 11



"- I want nothing to do with you Hawks. Not ever again. We are done."


I should never have hesitated... damn it


Seconds of stony silence between the both of them seemed to stretch to millions of years, and the world around them meant little to nothing. They were both silent and unmoving, Hawks still pinned underneath Animal Spirit and their eyes locked with each other as they remained there in that park with no one around and no one to witness what was going on, or the No. 26's incredibly harsh behavior toward the No. 24. It seemed like it was just them, like they were the only ones in the world for those few moments, and certainly the only ones that mattered.

The longer they held one another's gaze, the more Hawks became convinced he wasn't seeing things- Spirit's eyes were glowing. Just a little, and it wasn't easy to tell with how light it was outside, but as they were there and the sun slowly kept on sinking behind the horizon, it began to be easier to tell. Those red eyes of hers were giving off an ethereal dark crimson glow that was odd, yet somehow... Cool was the word he used, though maybe he thought beautifully haunting was better.

A little too dramatic? Hmm... Maybe-

But how come he'd never realized her eyes did that? It couldn't have been new, yeah? So why had he never noticed it?

He supposed maybe they'd never really seen eachother when it was getting dark and the city lights weren't all around, so that might have kept him from being able to see this faint glow. Or maybe it was because she was so angry right now, and a sort of anger she hadn't ever been with him... This sheer anger he hadn't wanted aimed at him, if he were to be honest. But it was there and though he still wasn't entirely sure just why she was this angry, he knew well enough at this point he had missteped somewhere. And he honestly hadn't meant to, but really- how was he supposed to have known that his (albeit perhaps bad) habits for collecting info from all over the cities streets would set her off this much?

There was little doubt in his mind that there was something darker and deeper hidden behind her anger for his sort-of-spying, and immediately came that urge to ask about it, and to know- unsurprisingly. He was a curious person by nature and he sometimes forgot manners and common sense in that urge to learn and to figure people out, though he mostly didn't mean to. He just got hung up on the things that interested him, and sometimes that interest outweighed better sense or thoughts of consequence... as it surely had now.

She interested him though- like a lot- and a lot more than he ever thought possible or anticipated she could. He wasn't sure what it was that had her at such a high point on his list of 'Interesting Things', but she was there none the less, and for it he maybe, sort of, just a little, had gotten... Obsessed...? Not obsessed, obsessed... But more interesting than a passing fancy level of attention.

But any which way, his attention had gotten a bit too involved for Spirit's liking. And her reaction was harsh, and abrasive, and shocking... And damn it that just made her all the more interesting!

How am I supposed to stop being curious if you do this, Spirit...?!

He sighed internally, willing himself not to show his exasperation outwardly, lest it set her off more. She was clearly ready to drop him and any and all interaction between the two of them in the near future- ditch him and stay away and keep it like that, and he didn't want that. The thought made him a little panicky (if that hadn't been clear with how quickly he jumped into trying to calm her down...), and he really, really didn't want to destroy what little relationship they had established thus far... Which he had started to do now, though entirely inadvertently.

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