Immediately walking through the door, I was pummeled with questions from an angry mother.

"Where were you?!" She exclaimed before I even shut the door. "Do you know what it was like to get a call from your school on asking why you weren't at any of your afternoon classes?"

She started pacing. "Me thinking you were at school, learning, doing your work, only to find you weren't! That you were skipping school." She emphasized the last two words, crossing her arms.

"What's your excuse," she demanded.

I sighed, "Look, mom, I'm sorry. But I had this friend I met a few days back, and he asked to meet up. 

That seemed to shut her up. "Oh?" her mouth formed a thin line as though she were pondering it. 


"Nico di Angelo." 

"WHere'd you meet him?"

"At the park two days ago." 

"Trouble maker?"

"Doesn't seem it but he's rude in a good way." 

"Any addictions?" 

"Does pop-tarts count?" 

At the last comment, she gave a small smile and whispered something I couldn't make out. 

"Well just don't let this happen again. Ad if it does, just don't make it an everyday thing." 

I nodded and started heading towards my room, surprised that went really well. 

"Oh, and Percy?" She called out behind me. 


"I'd like to meet him. Just to make sure your judgment over them is correct."

"Mom! It's not like I'm asking permission to date them or something," I whined as my face grew hot. I haven't dated anyone in a while and I think that's what my mom worries about sometimes. That I'll find someone, but they'll just leave.  

"I know honey," she said in a gentle tone. "I just don't want to see you hurt again. Even if you are just friends." She walked towards me and hugged me tightly. 

"I know, mom," I said quietly. "But you don't have to worry about Nico," I said looking down at her. "He's nice and I don't think he would do anything that'd hurt me on purpose." 

"I still want to meet him." 




"No Nico, no blue cookies." 

I sighed, "I'll see if he agrees." 

She let go of me and walked towards the kitchen, while I retreated towards my room. 

I fell back on my bed and closed my eyes, letting the music coming from my phone take over me. 

"I wanna sleep next to you, but that's all I wanna do right now," I quietly sang along with the song, never opening my eyes. "I wanna come home to you, but home is just a room full of my safest sounds," I stopped singing and hummed through the rest of the song until it was cut off with the vibration from my phone. 

I sighed but didn't get up. Sadly, it kept vibrating, and I reluctantly picked it up. 

My lock screen was getting spammed with new text messages, and when I saw who it was, I smiled a bit despite the annoyance I just had a few seconds ago. 

My Love For Him  *percico*Where stories live. Discover now