"Hey, Percy," someone shook my shoulder. "Wake up, it's dinner time." 

I groaned but reluctantly got up to see my mother sitting at the edge of my bed waiting for me to wake up.

"Yea, yeah I'm up, I'm up."

She gives a small smile and walks out of my room shutting the door behind her.

Unplugging my phone, I saw no new messages and it kinda hurt. Three- almost four hours after we ended the call, and not a single message from Nico. I didn't understand why, but it hurt.

So I sent him a quick text before putting my phone in my jeans pocket and headed out to the dinner table.

Percy: hey wyd
Sent at: 7:10 pm

"Glad to see you're awake," said Paul as he served himself a bit of salad.

"Yeah, I was just a bit tired," I responded filling my own plate with food.

"From so much talking to Nico?" Asked my mom with an innocent smile.

"Oh?" Paul smirked. "Didn't realize they were on that phase."

"Stoppppp," I groaned my face flushing.

Still laughing, Paul patted my shoulder. "I'm only teasing you, Perce. Don't worry." 

"Doesn't make it less embarrassing," I grumbled. 

"Fine, fine, we'll stop." she nudged Paul's side. "Right, Paul?" 

"Yeah, sure," his eyes crinkled into a smile. "But no promises it will be a lasting thing." 

I shrugged. "As long as not in front of Nico, I'm good." 


The rest of the night was spent in board games and a couple of movies before we all retreated to our rooms for the night. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket as I pulled it out and tapped on the notification. 

Nico: Hey sorry I passed out 

Nico: wyd 

I grinned and quickly texted a reply. 

Percy: nothing 

Percy: Just bouta go "to sleep"

Nico: oooooh we got a fcking bad boy on our hands ._.

Percy: shut up 

Nico: make me 

Percy: whatever man

Nico: I win loser 

Percy: Damn such a great winner you are =_= 

Nico: only the best hon 

Nico: hey gtg now 'cause Seph needs me to sleep or else I'm grounded 

Nico: txt you tmrw 

Percy: k night Neeks 

Nico: bruh sToP wItH tHe NaMe 

Nico: but night to you too jackson 

I shut my phone off once more and laid back, knowing sleep was far from home that night. 

AN// So now that I don't got any more chapters stocked up, this is gonna get a bit hard but oh well. Hope you guys like it! Comments, questions, concerns, (etc.) goes in the comment section and I'll answer you guys soon enough 

My Love For Him  *percico*Where stories live. Discover now