Discovering the Cave (S1)

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Warnings: Blood and suicide for reasons other than depression.

Michael and Katelyn were exploring a new area that (as far as they knew) hadn't been explored by any one in Camp Oasis. It was a forest that the couple walked through enjoying their alone time as they didn't get it often, not that the two minded as Camp Oasis was often very lonely for the three half bloods residing there. Michael son of Athena, Katelyn daughter of Aphrodite, and Ritchie son of Hermes. There was also a camp counselor Miss Kaykrae, who was part serpent, as well as the Oracle who was to be guarded by Kaykrae.

With the rest alone time there two were getting they turned their exploring into a little date. And so far it was going great!

At least Michael thought it was. He really hoped it was. Michael really liked the girl and was only a little worried about her not liking him. Considering that they were dating he was pretty sure she did anyway.

The two had been laughing and talking as they walked. Each more worried about enjoying the others company than fighting monsters or actually exploring. That was until they came across a cave.

The cave was shaped like a skull and had this oddly foreboding aura. Standing before the cave Michael got an awful feeling.

Katelyn however seemed unaffected. "What is this place?"

"I'm now entirely sure." Michael shrugged walking a bit forward, closer to the entrance. "But I intend to find out. You stay here while I look around inside."

"Why should I wait out here?" Katelyn frowned at her boyfriend. "It could be dangerous, so we should both go in."

"Yeah it could be dangerous," Michael rolled his eyes,"which is why only one of us should go in. This way if anything bad happens, like, I don't know, it caves in or something jumps out and attacks me, then you can work as backup."

"Well I'd prefer if nothing bad happened to you." Katelyn sighed. "Alright let me know when I can follow."

Michael laughed and jogged back to give her a peck on the cheek before turning back and promising to be quick.

He stood at the entrance and stared up at the cave. His feeling of dread had doubled in ferocity and he realised that he wanted nothing more than to turn around grab Katelyn and leave. He wouldn't do that though. He was a child of Athena and his curiosity and thirst for knowledge wouldn't let him. Although, he couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it. Taking a deep breath he stepped over the threshold of the cave entrance.

He froze as he did, his eyes scanning the area only to find... Nothing. Frowning he stepped further in and examined the area more closely but he had been right the first time. Nothing was here. That caused a pit to form in his stomach as he looked.

There should have been something. Anything other than the empty darkness of the cave. Any animals, moss or other plants, monsters. But instead he found nothing. Despite that however, nothing dangerous seemed to be around. Clutching The Art of War Michael wondered further in and have down a few little pathways that seemed to lead deeper in.

It seemed safe.

Michael let it a small breath of relief and turned back towards the entrance.

"It looks safe!"

Katelyn moved forward and hesitated at the opening. Michael could tell she was nervous so he headed over. He smiled at her and took her hands. She smiled back and stepped through with him.

That's when it happened.

Instantly there was an odd rumbling sound and everything shook. Michael grabbed Katelyn and shoved her away from him right as the entrance collapsed. He felt pain shooting through his eye and something hit his head before he blacked out.

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