Secretly Caring Mother (S1)

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Austin frowned as he watched Bri flirt with Xylo. He was losing the girl of his dreams to his own twin brother.

Honestly it was just completely destroying his mood. Scowling he turned to walk away when he ran directly into someone knocking them to the ground

"Ouch!" The figure on the ground muttered before looking up. "Watch where you're going!"

"Sorry Michael..." Austin said quietly and tried to keep walking.

Michael frowned immediately able to tell something was wrong.  "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing just leave me be."

Austin continued to walk ignoring Michael. That was, until he noticed that the other was following him. He grit his teeth, his frustration building.

"Look, I wanna be alone so can you just leave?" He snapped.

Michael hummed in thought before cheerfully responding. "Nope. You gonna tell me what's up?"

Austin glared. He really wasn't in the mood to be dealing with Michael and the inevitable insults that came with the only child of Athena. Taking a deep breath, he resolved to just ignore him.

Austin continued walking around the camp, Michael trailing behind him causally. He was really starting to lose his temper when they came upon the campfire pit where Austin stopped dead in his tracks.

There was Xylo and Bri. Sitting down at one of the picnic tables and obviously flirting. At least Bri was and that was all he really cared about. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Michael glance around him and understanding light up his face.

Then instead of insults or irritation Michael gave him a concerned look and gently laid his hand on his arm. Michael carefully began to lead the saddened son of Apollo away. Michael lead him till they where back by their cabins before finally stopping.

Michael shoved Austin down so that he was sitting on the steps, Michael himself sitting a few steps above him. They were quiet for a few minutes, which Austin was grateful for. It gave him time to gather his thoughts. It wouldn't surprise him if that was the reason Michael was staying quiet as well.

He jumped slightly when he felt a hand land on his shoulder. Michael stared at him quietly his brown eyes shining in concern.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Do wanna hear me whine?"

"If it'll make you feel better, then yeah. I don't mind."

Austin hesitated. "Well, I guess I'm just upset. I like Bri a lot. Like a lot, a lot. Like a lot, a lot, a-"

"Yeah I get it. You like her a lot." Michael cut him off rolling his eyes but clearly still trying to be nice. "What I don't get is why? Why do you like her so much?"

"Wha-!? What do you mean, why!? She's so pretty, and talented, and smart! She's a great fighter and she's also really caring! Like she spent so much time searching for her brother and she helped us out on our quest as well... She's just so... So perfect..." Austin sighed and dropped his head into his hands. "It makes sense why she would go for Xylo."

Michael reached over and ran a comforting hand up and down Austin's back. "Well I think your selling yourself a bit short." Austin smirked and looked over at Michael who glared. "And no that's not a joke for you to enjoy!"

"Hey! You said it not me!"

"Look what I'm getting at is that you're better than you're giving yourself credit for."

"You don't mean that."

"I do!"

"You're the on who's always insulting me and treating me like an annoyance!"

Michael raised an eyebrow at him. "I treat everyone like an annoyance. Well everyone but occasionally Ritchie." He paused before adding on. "Also I insult everyone and everything. Ritchie included. You just have the displeasure of being around me more than almost anyone else."

Austin couldn't hold back a slight laugh. "I guess that's fair."

"Exactly. Now like I said you're better than you're giving yourself credit for. I mean not many campers would go and fight a creature like Medusa as soon as you did. You also fought the Minotaur and the Naga. Polyphemus too!" Michael sighed. "What I'm saying is that there's so much more to you than people see. I didn't see it a first and that's literally, like, my job. Just keep your head up and see how things go. There's good chance Bri will see you the way you are. Like you said she's smart."

Austin smiled. "Thanks. Ya know, you're a lot nicer than you let people see."

Michael leaned back and glared at him. "No one will believe you."

Austin laughed and felt lighter than he had in ages. "Thanks Mom!"

"I'm not-! Forget it." He sighed. "I don't care anymore... Also don't thank me. All I did was point out the truth." With that Michael stood and stretched.

"Going somewhere?"

"I gotta go find Ritchie. We're gonna go do more quest stuff. Ritchie's quest this time." He sounded bitter but Austin didn't comment on it.

"Good luck Mom! Tell Dad the same!"

Michael grumbled but essentially agreed and left quickly. It was only after he was gone did Austin put together that he put off meeting with Ritchie about important things just to cheer him up.

"Well... If Michael believes in me then it must be true because he's super smart." Austin stood as he monologued. "With Michael's faith in me I know there's nothing I can't do! I will not give up and I will have the girl!" He exclaimed dramatically. "I will put all my effort towards being the best son of Apollo!"

A/N: Ugh not happy with the beginning of this or title, might go back and change them. Requested by @Staubfee. Sorry for not responding in the comments but my phone doesn't let me do that because it's garbage. Anytime I try my phone absolutely dies. Well hope you like it and it's what you meant.

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