Of Fire and Water (S1)

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Brandeen wished more than anything that he was back in his cabin. His nice warm, dry and cozy cabin. Instead, however, he found himself standing at the docks at the crack of dawn, with Jakey. The chill coming off the water made him shiver and wrap his arms around himself as he watched his friend jump directly into the water. Brandeen let out a growl as some water splashed him. When Jake came up to the surface again he gave him his worst glare. Saddly it did not have the desired effect.

Jakey burst out into laughter. "I know you're trying to be scary but you-you-" The son of Poseidon just started laughing again.

"I'm what?" Brandeen growled again still glaring.

"You just remind me of a little kitten." Jake managed to get out between fits of laughter.


"Just the way you were standing there just shaking. It made me think of a newborn kitten. And I thought of you as a kitten trying l to act all mad and scary. It was just a really funny thought." Jake laughed a bit more and swam closer to the dock.

Brandeen's eyes widened slightly as he stepped back, nervous Jake would try to splash him. "First off, I'm not acting mad. I am mad. Second off, don't call me a kitten, and third off, did you drag me out here just so you could laugh at me? Or do you actually have a reason?"

"Well I need you to jump in the wat-"

"No." Brandeen didn't even let Jakey finish speaking.

"But you need to-"


"I want to-"


"Come on -"


They stood silently for a moment. Jake in the water and Brandeen now standing even further back on the dock.

"You can't make me." Brandeen huffed.

"Look, I'm going to need your help when I fight Mitch. So I need you to be of some use use in the water." Jakey practically begged. "Why do you hate water so much, anyway?"

"My magic is fire elemented remember?" Brandeen scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but so is Xylo. He doesn't hate water." Jakey pointed out.

"I also practically grew up in the underworld. Specifically the places in the underworld covered in fire and lava." He paused for a moment before adding on. "I also am not human. My body temperature is higher than yours so water is really cold to me unless it's practically boiling."

Jake thought this over for a moment. "Huh. Are you really that hot?"

Brandeen chuckled slightly and smirked. "Well I'm obviously hot."

"That is not what I meant and you know it." Jakey's rolled his eyes and acted irritated but laughed along.

"But seriously, yes." Brandeen admitted.

"That explains a lot." Jake hummed before a thought hit him. "What would happen if you got hit with ice magic?"

"I imagine it would be pretty cold. Actually, it would be extremely cold. That's why I don't normally tell anyone this."

"But, you told me..."


"Because we're friends, yeah?"

"Something like that." Brandeen laughed softly.

The son of Ares decided to take a risk and walked towards Jake, who was still in the water. Brandeen crouched on the edge of the dock and offered his arm out for Jake to feel. Jake reached up slowly, as though moving towards a cornered animal and hesitantly touched his friend's pale arm. Brandeen immediately shivered and they both watched as goosebumps popped up on his skin.

"Woah..." Jake looked up at Brandeen, startled. "You are really warm."

Brandeen nodded slowly. "Yeah." He suddenly looked a little nervous. "You're... Not gonna tell anyone right?"

"What?! Why would I?" Jake looked offended at the question.

Brandeen couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, had to be sure. Cause I'll kill you if you do." Despite his threat his voice held no bite.

"But... Will you be able to help me in the trial? If water is that difficult..." Jake trailed off frowning.

"Don't worry," Brandeen rolled his eyes at his friend, "I'll be fine. If I have to deal with it I will. Consider yourself lucky for this."

"I know," Jake smiled up at him. "Thank you Brandeen. I don't know how I would do this without you."

Brandeen looked away seemingly fluster. Jakey wasn't sure if it was the sunrise on the son of Ares face or blush but it was only when seeing that did he realize he was still holding onto his friend's arm.

He winced as he pulled away. "Sorry. That was probably cold for you."

Brandeen stood and stepped back whilst shrugging. "It wasn't too bad."

Jakey thought quietly for a moment before appearing to come to a decision. He pulled himself out of the water and grinned at Brandeen.

"So how about we go play MineSwitch™ instead?"

"Sure thing. Secret base?" Brandeen asked.

"Secret base."

The two friends shared a small smile as they headed to Brandeen's entrance.

A/N: I love these two so much my souls hurt. I tried to stick to friendship but it kind of turned into pre-slash. Maybe I'll do a similar Bryan and Jakey. Also it takes place before the Trident battle. Obviously. Hope you enjoyed! Also, yeah it's quite a bit shorter than the others sorry.

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