Discovering the Cave - Aftermath (S1)

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TW: Effects of blood loss, maybe suicidal thoughts (not sure if it counts)

Michael's head spun as he slowly regained consciousness, trying to figure out why he felt so ill. His breathing was quick and shallow, leaving him with the awful sensation of being unable to catch his breath. Not to mention he could feel his heart pounding but not properly. Not that he could quite figure out why it was wrong with as exhausted and confused as he was.

He struggled to move but felt a hand land on his arm, stopping him.

"Mi...el?" He could hear a voice but could only make out fragments of what was being said. "Pl... wa...up."

He couldn't make out what he was being told and felt his heart rate quicken further as he began to panic and tried to thrash around.

"Hey! Stop, you're... hurt yours..."

Two hands landed in his shoulders and he tried to lash out with his leg but stopped when pain shoot through him. He hissed and the weight on him immediately let up.

His mind raced. Where was he? Who was with him? Why did his leg hurt so badly? Where was Katelyn?

He abruptly stopped moving when the thought of his girlfriend filled his mind. Where was she? Usually any time he'd get himself hurt she'd be right there to yell at him for being stupid. Why wasn't she here?

"... Michael?"

He paid the voice no mind as instead of forcing himself to open his eyes and move, he tried to remember what had happened. Honestly it's the first thing he should have done, but his mind wasn't quite in the right the moment.

The last thing he remembered was... Adventuring with Katelyn. They were wandering some kind of forest before coming upon... A cave? Right? The two entered the cave and after that things got a little fuzzy.

Then all the memories hit him at once. Everything from the cave in to his exit. He felt sick. His heart pounded in his ears. He wanted to scream, cry, vomit, he - for a brief moment - wanted to die.

In the small amount of time he'd been wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn't heard the other person moving around the room. I'm fact he'd forgotten about them completely until he felt a straw at his lips.

"Drink... Please..." The person practically begged.

He hesitanted only for a moment before sipping. His mouth was flooded with the taste of his favorite spinach pie.

Ambrosia, his mind numbly pieced together. Already he felt better.

Well, physically anyway.

He forced his eyes open and winced at the bright lights of the room.

"Michael!" The person, who he now recognized as Ritchie, (how couldn't he have got that?) exclaimed, standing over his bed.

Michael just stared at him. Face blank and expression less.

Ritchie shifted nervously. "Are you-? I mean, uh, how are you feeling?"

"She's gone."

It wasn't a question. Ritchie flinched lightly looking away. The son of Hermes took a breath before raising his head and letting out a quiet "Yeah."

Michael just nodded quietly, in a slow acceptance.

"Michael..." Ritchie faultered for a moment as he tried to think of what to say.  Eventually he settled for just checking on the other. "You didn't answer my question. How are you feeling?"

Michael glared. "How do you think I feel?" He threw on a mocking tone and continued. "Why I feel peachy. Life couldn't be greater ya'know!?" He had an edge of hysteria showing as he spoke.

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